IdeeNOBS Clothing - No Bullshit

Sauberes Wasser und SanitäreinrichtungenNachhaltiger Konsum und ProduktionMaßnahmen zum KlimaschutzLeben unter WasserLeben an Land
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Einkauf / Logistik / VerpackungMarketing / Werbung / PRSparringspartner:inStory TellingTextilbranche
No one really needs most of the clothing consumed in the Western World nowadays. Our clothing is produced cheaply in developing countries, the working conditions are often questionable, the quality of these garments are not made to last and the impact on the environment is very high. The fashion industry is the second biggest polluter in the world. This system of Fast Fashion is inefficient, simultaneously wasteful of money and resources.
I think this can be done in a more responsible and better way. Therefore I want to contribute to this change by offering basic, but high quality and thought out clothing. The durability and wearing comfort of these clothes are enhanced by making small, but logical adjustments on the cutting patterns and fabrics. Next to longevity, the recyclability of the garments (using mono-materials) is also considered in the design.
The clothing is offered via crowdfunding campaigns and on-demand production. This business model matches supply and demand perfectly and prevents overproduction, which is a common problem in the fashion industry (on average 10-30% of clothing is disposed unworn). Without the need for warehousing and sales space the distributions costs can be reduced significantly which we can forward to the customers. This enables us to offer this clothing to a radical better price in comparison to common retail.
The aim of this concept is to realize production with a short supply chain in Europe. All production steps: weaving, cutting, sewing and finishing of the clothing will be carried out by selected external production partners.
This concept allows us to source sustainable produced raw materials and use state of the art production techniques to reduce water consumption and insecticide usage in conventional cotton farming, eliminate hazardous waste water from textile processing, reduce CO2-emissions during textile production and prevent the emissions of microplastics into the aquatic environment.
This process is highly efficient and together with the thoughtful product the basis for naming the concept NOBS Clothing – No Bullshit.
I like to work on concepts and to make things work. I have a background in environmental science and chemistry of renewable raw materials. I have worked several years as project manager in the paper industry.
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