IdeeBini Blooms
Industrie, Innovation und InfrastrukturNachhaltige Städte und GemeindenNachhaltiger Konsum und ProduktionLeben unter WasserLeben an Land
Suche nach:
Artenschutz / Bio-DiversitätForschung / ProduktentwicklungTeambuildingVerkaufProof of Concept
A group of Blooms, supporters of the famous female group BINI in the Philippines, will use the platform for planting initiatives. We will gather a support system We are not affiliated with BINI or their management We are volunteers dedicated to bringing the BINI spirit to planting advocacy. We plan to open this in 2025 with our financial resources and cash donations from other Blooms fans. We can sell our preloved merchandise and BINI posters to generate funding.
Music, arts, technology
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