




Gesundheit und WohlergehenWeniger Ungleichheiten

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Inklusion / DiversityPersonalwesen / Human RessourcesSocial MediaWebdesignBildung


My plan is to develop an application/site with the goal of offering rapid support to each user, including those with no expertise and not abandoning them in a time of need. This project aims to disseminate information about physical and mental health, such as the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, the consequences of drug abuse, health and hygiene habits to promote a better living environment, fresh and sealed food storage, and so on. Furthermore, the site/app (hypothetically) features an area where the user can enter physical or mood symptoms into the search box, and based on the data supplied, the user is presented with more concise content that meets his needs. Finally, this function would be extremely useful for those who do not have a guide in their life, in this case Heautontimorumenos is an effective tool for reaching useful contacts and instructions to take into account for the greatest guarantee of one's health. Heautontimorumenos means "self-tormenter," which is why I chose this term to represent my thought. People who are suffering from diseases or psychological disorders frequently believe that they deserve to be in misery and that there is no way out. Life presents us with limited options, or we may not recognize them. In short, remember that we are all one; do not abandon yourself alone; seek support until you obtain it, and you will see that its signal will return to the hearts of others who were looking for you.


I am working in many associations in order to fight against discriminations (for example: Racism, Homophobia).

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