IdeeEcofamily: Making Sustainability fun and rewarding for the whole family





Kein HungerGesundheit und WohlergehenMaßnahmen zum Klimaschutz

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Business DevelopmentMentoringSocial MediaSoftware EntwicklungBuchhaltung / Finanzen


Description of Product/Service Eco-Family addresses the critical need for environmental stewardship by targeting one of the most actionable areas: food waste. The app serves as a comprehensive tool for families, providing features such as personalized goal setting, educational content tailored to different age groups, interactive challenges, and a platform for social engagement. Gamification: Through game-like elements and challenges, families can earn points, badges, and rewards for their achievements in reducing waste, learning about sustainability, and participating in community initiatives. AI-driven Personalization: Utilizing AI, Eco-Family offers personalized journey maps for each family, adapting over time based on their progress, preferences, and interactions. This ensures a continually engaging and relevant experience. Social Interaction: A built-in community feature encourages families to share their progress, tips, and stories, fostering a sense of belonging and collective effort towards a more sustainable world. These components work together to solve the problem of motivational inertia and lack of awareness, providing an accessible, engaging way for families to contribute to environmental conservation.


My expertise includes entrepreneurship, business, visual design, web/app design, marketing, social network, leadership and team building.

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