IdeeEauster Beads





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The Eauster Beads is a special type of bead made from oyster shells and their biofilms. Waste oyster shells have sparked interest among scientists in recent years for their capacity to adsorb heavy metal ions. The biofilms containing microbes on oyster shells can effectively degrade organic contaminants. Up to 10 million tonnes of bivalve shells are discarded annually, contaminating local environments. While the use of both processed and unprocessed waste oyster shells has been demonstrated, there has yet to be a complete design of an oyster-shell-derived, compact filter product that local dwellers can readily use. Our campaign centers on a special filter bead composed of two parts: a core of powdered oyster shells and a layer of biofilms. The core consists of pyrolyzed oyster shell powder, which stabilizes the pH level and adsorbs metal ions. The second layer, composed of cultured biofilms, filters ammonia, phosphate, and organic substances. The abundance of waste oyster shells ensures a cost-effective product, making it affordable for rural residents. After full use, residents can manually crush the beads and discard the remaining to use as fertilizer. These oysters will be taken directly from restaurants. We can gift our products to these restaurants as incentives. The essential phase of this project is prototyping and product development. To ensure substantial progress in this, we have successfully asked for permission to use laboratories in universities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The project will use laboratory furnaces to pyrolyze the oyster shells. Pyrolyzing oyster shells help transform the calcium oxide component inside them into calcium carbonate, which can then absorb heavy metal ions in water. Pyrolyzed oyster shells will then be crushed and grinded into fine powder by industrial grinders or petals and mortar. The fine powder will be shaped in bead shapes (need further research).


My expertise aminly focuses on prototyping and testing. Since I am fond of Science, including biology and chemistry, I can help other organizations with researching and prototyping.

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