




Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur

Suche nach:

Forschung / ProduktentwicklungPrototyping / TestingSoftware EntwicklungWebdesignProof of Concept


The App will entail the following functionalities: TRANSACT >Transact function will be accessible to SMME owner. >This is an interface which enables the SMME to post an accounting transaction i.e. Purchase of Stock. >Then the App will suggest the double entry for the posted transaction. >And the App will bring the complete transaction to attention of a preferred tax practitioner for verification. VERIFY >The App will alert the Tax Practitioner of a transaction ready for verification i.e. by means of a push notification. >The Tax Practitioner will click on a transaction notification, which will be qued-up for verification and processing/ reporting. REPORT >The Tax Practitioner, would then be able to pull summery report of transactions and export to excel for analysis and formatting for South African Revenue Services submission.


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