IdeeThe Indian EcoHub for Women





GeschlechtsgleichheitBezahlbare und saubere EnergieNachhaltige Städte und GemeindenMaßnahmen zum KlimaschutzLeben an Land

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Forschung / ProduktentwicklungInklusion / DiversityMarketing / Werbung / PRMentoringFörderung


Our vision at the Indian EcoHub for Women is to create a future where the everyday normal citizen is given the knowledge and resources to be well equipped to fight environmental instability. We want to do this by offering workshops, providing spaces for environmental conversations, and selling environmentally conscious products. We understand that India has come a long way and is now a much better place for women in terms of opportunity. But we must also acknowledge that a lot of areas in India doesn’t permit the growth of passion within women. That is why we have made this hub specifically for women in India to discover and water their passion for the environment- their home. Here’s how we’re going to implement our idea: EcoCafe: This cafe uses environmentally friendly products as well as health conscious ingredients to ensure that it’s customers can hang out in peace, knowing that their retreat will do no harm to them or their environment. How to Eco: We will conduct workshops for people of all ages. These workshops will be conducted by women with a passion for the environment. We will cover topics such as energy conservation, deforestation, global warming, climate change, and pollution. These will be held both virtually and in-person. Partnering with local communities: We will partner with local schools or organizations to conduct programs on the importance of our mission. Eco Drop-Off: We will have drop-offs for waste. Using this waste, we will conduct workshops on how to reuse or up cycle or throw away waste in a proper manner. In conclusion, our mission is that we can get the everyday person to realize the importance that both women and the environment in our lives- they are our home.


My expertise lies in writing and a passion for all things environment and woman empowerment. Because there is a plethora of environmental enthusiasts and organizations that focus on similar topics, I can support other organizations by writing about them or even for them.

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