IdeeSustainable restaurant





Keine ArmutKein HungerSauberes Wasser und SanitäreinrichtungenNachhaltiger Konsum und ProduktionMaßnahmen zum Klimaschutz

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It is a restaurant that helps solve 7 SDG's: It starts by building up a trade between the farm and the restaurant, all the food from the restaurant comes from the farms where they have no fertilizer or chemicals in the crops, and all the food waste will go back to the farm as the "fertiliser" which is not only more sustainable but saving life below water as fertiliser's are extremely harmful, this helps solve (Responsible Consumption and Production). Next, we will set up tourism experience and ticketing services for anyone who wants to experience where the food we eat comes from and how the process works providing (quality education) that will not only help the workforce in farming but also will let people be grateful for what the have every day. After setting up the restaurant we will implement the one customer = one meal & water for the poor which is still good quality food helping reduce (Zero Hunger) and increase (Clean Water and Sanitation). Next, we will start hiring from poor countries, especially poor areas to help (No Poverty) and give them a chance to experience life in a different way as not everyone is as lucky as us born into families that can meet all our needs. after that, they will go through some quality training and there will be a No Firing policy and Anytime work leave policy once they start working for us. They will also have free housing making sure that they are well rested and have a home this builds (Decent Work and Economic Growth) but mainly a community that's everlasting inspired by Southwest Airlines. Finally, after everything is put into place, we will work on the climate change by eventually using no fossil fuels that damage the environment, we will instead use renewable energy like solar panels in farms (Sunny) wind turbines in fields (windy), Ocean waves next to our fish farms (wavy) and Geothermal energy underground and more. Ensuring that everything works out, we will then start planting trees and help with 0 carbon emissions to save our planet with all our earnings. Even though it's a high risk it has countless approvals and I have plans to lower the risk and I am aiming to get Gordan Ramsay's sponsorship and approval of the food side combining Asian culture and learning about the science and history behind food.


After the restaurant is starting to work out, we definitely will donate more and more as well as set up multiple trades that lower food prices but still high quality. For example, China loves eating fish heads, duck tongues, etc whereas the British just throw them away or sell them for an unbelievably cheap price that way China gets what it needs for a cheap price and they can offer creative new things that the UK doesn't have.

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