2017 YCEC Finalist Andrei Shares Insights and Tips

Veröffentlicht am: Jun 18, 2018
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

2017 YCEC Finalist Andrei Shares Insights and Tips

Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition

Interview with Linguraru Andrei-Theodor one of the finalists of the 2017 Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition

Andrei is a high-school student from Romania passionate about entrepreneurship. Together with his team, Andrei created 'Path to Knowledge' idea and in this interview, he gives insights about the platform, future plans, and about the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition

Andrei, would you give us a brief description of your idea from the last year?

'Path to Knowledge', is an interactive platform which creates a community of learners. You enter the platform and choose the teacher you want to study with and then you take some lessons. At the end of the lessons, you will give a test and then if you are able to teach what you have learned you can teach about subjects that you’re good at.

Why do you think that 'Path to Knowledge' is such a great idea and what SDG does it aim to achieve?

It aims to achieve SDG four: Quality Education. Actually, this is the meaning of the idea 'Path to knowledge'. Education all over the world needs improvement and the future and also the present are online. Thus, education doesn’t have to be an exception.

What is currently happening with 'Path to Knowledge' or what has changed since 2017 Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition?

Unfortunately, we couldn’t continue the idea. This idea started two years ago with the participation in another competition. We won the competition and we created the prototype, the website where students could log in. Our IT Team had some problems with keeping up to date the website, but we saw the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition. We started to work hard to improve what we have done wrong and now, because we are in the last year of high-school, we need to study for the exams. For now, 'Path to Knowledge' is still an idea. In the future, I think that together with my team, we will have the time to continue this idea and implement it.

What was one thing that you learned from the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition?

The main thing that I learned from this competition is the fact that I need to be persistent when I follow a goal. This competition was a long-term one and I had to involve time and energy to get into the finalists. This competition taught me to be more persistent in achieving my goal.

What was your favorite part of the competition?

What I liked most was that I could interact with people from all over the world and exchange ideas with them.

What advice do you have for future competitors in the YCEC?

They should involve in the competition because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and they shouldn’t let it go.

Enjoy the interview!

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Thank you Andrei for the experience sharing. We need to be determine and work hard.



“They should involve in the competition because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and they shouldn’t let it go”.

Thank you Adrei. Thank you YCEC for getting back to a finalist to see how they are doing. I think this should be consistent. Thank you campus competition



A nice effort of Andrei.



Hello everyone,
Thanks for sharing.This is such a good insight. I couldn’t agree more. Consistency and unwavering obsession on your dreams is key to achieving it.
We should all focus on and have a sustainable lifestyle to make this world a better place

Chifundo Nyambalo


Dear admin and everyone

I like the idea but the only draw bac for is that my opinion is that am in Africa and I don’t more projects taking place do you mind to help on this please?

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