2018 Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition Reaches Final Stage

Veröffentlicht am: Aug 17, 2018
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

2018 Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition Reaches Final Stage

Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition

We are delighted to announce that the Entrepreneurship Campus has reached the final stage of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition for 2018.
In the last five months, we have received hundreds of innovative ideas and projects from all over the world that champion at least one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A total of 651 entries are public in the Best Ideas and Best Projects categories. This figure translates into 651 young entrepreneurs all over the planet, who are doing to utmost to turn their ideas and projects into successful products and services that can improve and change many lives. We are sorry for all those contestants, who missed the entry deadline. To all of you and to all the interested people, don’t get discouraged. You can participate in the next edition of our competition.

We hope the maps of ideas and projects can inspire a lot of other young people that want to find sustainable solutions or are looking for experience and knowledge.
We believe that the combination of the free entrepreneurial training with the potential of our global online community can motivate each member of the Entrepreneurship Campus to take action, to search for efficient solutions, and to insist on creating a business concept with a societal impact, develop it into a product and sell it. Many people believe that social entrepreneurship is the future of business. You can provide a safer future to many thanks to your business services and products.
This year we noticed a peculiar attitude in the commenting activity by the contestants. Several comments were repeated in different ideas and projects. Given the fact that those comments were aligned to our policy, they were counted. However, a similar practice in the next Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition will not help the contestants to improve their ranking and gain points.

We want to highlight that all the ideas and projects are the same way important. Many contestants live in areas where there’s no internet access or it can be too expensive to afford. Even if they couldn’t have an online presence, we believe that they that are doing a great work in their community.
Many thanks to you all and keep on improving the world!

Are you ready for the announcement of the finalists and People's Choice Awards?
Stay Tuned!
The Entrepreneurship Campus Team

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It is only hard work that can lead us to this



It is an amazing journey and congratulations to all that did reach the final stage of 2018 session



very true some people were making repetitive comments which were not actually adding input to the projects/ideas but just so they are seen as active which i hope next year will be corrected

Rotimi Moses


The competition is a total mess. I regretted putting my time and energy to it. So many copy and paste of comments and they were not fish out, instead they pick them as one of the best. This is unacceptable



I agree with you. It’s like awarding them for cheating. Did I not read somewhere on their website or guidelines that that’s not fair play?

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