Eran Davidson, CEO HassoPlattnerVentures, in the Entrepreneurship Laboratory
Veröffentlicht am: Nov 15, 2006
Von Entrepreneurship Campus
Eran Davidson and Prof. Günter Faltin are debating different approaches to innovative entrepreneurship. The controversy is about High Tech and how to use it for high potential entrepreneurship.
Den Podcast (Mp3 datei des Videos) können Sie hier hören bzw. herunterladen:
- 00:10 Begrüßung
- 00:45 Business Model (Discussion) HassoPlattnerVentures vs. Günter Faltin
- 10:15 ‘High potential Entrepreneurs’ and ‘Entrepreneurs’ (Example Germany)
- 12.25 Book: How to encourage entrepreneurs
- 13:15 German technology / German economy
- 15:55 IKEA-idea, Ingver Kamprad
- 18:00 Partners and risks to realize the business model
- 26:55 Subsidies
- 30:48 HassoPlattnerVentures and the Component Approach
- 32:18 Values on Business Concept at HassoPlattnerVentures
- 34:20 High Technology as a field to invest in (pro and contra)
- 47:20 big companies and small companies
- 50:03 end
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