Getting Started in Social Entrepreneurship

Veröffentlicht am: Jul 10, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Getting Started in Social Entrepreneurship

The world of social entrepreneurship is growing as well as its impact on the local and global economy. Social entrepreneurs offer an attractive model that meets social needs through the help of innovation. This model appeals to young people all over the world. This new way of doing business by focusing on the social good and social causes is taking off in many countries. Yet the question is: where to begin?
Every one of us faces economic, political, and societal challenges, but not all of us focus on possible solutions. The reasons why people start a business vary. Some see an opportunity and seize it and others want to make a change. Both cases can be based on desire and passion for achieving a final goal, with the only difference is that for some it is profit and success, while to others it is social impact and positive change. A social entrepreneur measures the impact of her/his initiative based on the way how it helps the people and the planet.
The answer to the above-mentioned question is easy to get. Look around and you’ll see hundreds of problems that need and can be solved.
In the moment when you have a mission or a cause and a strong desire to make it real, the chances of succeeding are higher. This is one of the key principles of a successful business model on social entrepreneurship.

What about the next steps?

Many social entrepreneurs have said the same thing. Money is the main barrier that they face. The second problem that they mention (every type of enterprise mentions) is the lack of talent.
Concerning money. Yes, a social business can generate revenues, but on the other hand, don’t expect that people to spend a lot of money on your product only because it may have a social impact. You need the right business mindset in order to run an idea. Just offer a product or service that people need and will buy. Moreover, your enterprise or venture needs to be sustained.
The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition can help future entrepreneurs in various ways. Here you can become part of a large community of young people from all over the world. Besides, learning from each other, you can attend the free online courses offered by the Entrepreneurship Campus. The courses help you to build an entrepreneurial mindset and gain new skills. You can learn how to open up an idea, how to work out an entrepreneurial design, how to recombine what already exists in order to innovate. You may find a lot of potential in yourself.
This is your chance for learning about social entrepreneurship and trying to launch your own initiative. If you already have an idea or a project, you can submit to this edition of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition until July 31. You can also spread the word about this opportunity to friends and people that have a keen interest in entrepreneurship.

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Yes there are several problems that need solutions even in our immediate environment. These preblems need to be attended to and it is social entrepreneurs among others that can make this happen.

Thank you for sharing campus administrator



This is another great article on social entrepreneur. Thank you campus administrator for sharing this post



Everybody looks but a few see. The ability to see opportunities in all problems is an essential and critical factor to shape our world.Having an idea isn’t enough but going an extra mile to be innovative with your ideas with the aim of effecting great social impact in the society is essential.

Oluwadamilola Balogun


Having an idea is not enough. It has to be innovative and also of a business mindset. People need to see the sustainability of the idea alongside the value for them to buy the idea.



great article. very inspire subject to me. love it. will read again and again

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