Have You Considered Sustainability Entrepreneurship in Tourism?

Veröffentlicht am: May 13, 2019
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Have You Considered Sustainability Entrepreneurship in Tourism?

Entrepreneurship Campus

As a young motivated wannapreneur, you have to think about the ways that can help your local community to have a good quality of life. Sometimes there are various ways, and sometimes there is only one. If tourism is the only sector with a potential for development, you must take care that it does not contribute to environmental damage, climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem loss, and pollution. With the right skills, you can develop a new kind of tourism that is beneficial to the local community and does not cause an unsustainable consummation of resources.

Sustainable tourism and social entrepreneurship go hand in hand. On one hand, tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It is people oriented and most tourism-related businesses fall under small and medium-sized enterprises. On the other hand, tourism has its share of social and ecological, consequences. Therefore, both locals and travelers, who are learning about the negative effects of tourism on the environment or cultural heritage, are looking for more responsible travel options.

Tourism includes a wide range of activities and services such as transportation, accommodation, eating and drinking, catering, shopping, guided tours, ecotourism, and much more. You can help to develop a sector that adopts sustainability principles, contributes to poverty reduction, and helps to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Entrepreneurship Campus offers the opportunity to participate in a Tourism Competition. If you have an idea or a project focused on this sector, don’t hesitate to join the competition. The free online training will help you to build capacity implementing and explaining sustainability in tourism-related projects that fall in line with local needs and sustainable development.

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“I had never really thought of the tourism sector but this has got me thinking of ways to boost tourism in ”

I have been blank on tourism like Regina in the above comment but I have learnt something from this campus today.

All thanks to campus administrator who share this article



Tourism industry is indeed lucrative. It is how many African nations earn foreign exchange. This year, the legendary wild beast migration was inhibited greatly by our mishandling of tourist reserves. Insecurities have made most of our tourist destination suffer as tourists receive travel advisories to avoid them.



yeah i think tourism can cause sustainability but every prons has cons as well



Tourism will never be completely sustainable as every industry has impacts, but it can work towards becoming more sustainable…



Social enterprises sell products or services to provide assistance and opportunity to disadvantaged populations. As opposed to a traditional non-profit, a social entrepreneur uses market-based mechanisms to fund social and environmental impact. Within the hospitality and tourism context, this ensures higher local benefit, rather than the leakage of resources to multi-national companies, as is often the case in this industry.

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