Hernando de Soto on Entrepreneurship and the Arab Spring

Veröffentlicht am: Apr 4, 2013
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Hernando de Soto talks about the needed framework for a successful entrepreneurship and a culture of entrepreneurship. The basis for it is documentation and legal rights on property. In many developing countries must entrepreneurs are illegal in one way or a other.



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This article is a bombshelland ironically it is the reality. Personally, I have have seen thousands of business operating in my country but no documentation or registration with the government. The government personnels are also aiding the practice as they get money from these businesses and allow them to operate without a legal documentation.

This article is indeed a reminder of good values and for us up coming entrepreneurs, a reminder not to follow the train in bad deeds but to start up with integrity, honesty, accountability, respect for law and order. The entrepreneural framework according to the author of this article is ” documentation and legal rights on properties”

This has indeed motivated me to start the registration process of my business while still in this competition and as soon as the lockdown is relax. Thank you to the organizers of this competition for this great articles. I use this opportunity to encourage campus members to read this article. Best of luck



This is indeed an eye opener. I encourage all entreprenuers and campus members to read this article. We should not take things for granted. Our businesses need to be legally registerd and documented with the government. /that is when we are indeed ready to do business. In many states and countries, there are requriements for starting a business and if these are not put in place there every likelihood that your business or proerty will be demolish on e day when the authorities come around. The essence of this competition is to help us understand all these inticacies while doing our business. Please campus members create time to read these articles. thankfully, EDUheal is registered I will have being quite quilty reading this article. Please as we implement our ideas, let us endeavor to legally document our businesses with the government



I’d apply that concept of documentation in every aspect of my life especially in my business. Documentation is needed to save posterity


It’s true indeed, in developing countries many things differ with developed countries


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