How Entrepreneurship Empowers Youth?

Veröffentlicht am: Mar 28, 2019
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

How  Entrepreneurship Empowers Youth?

Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition

Teaching entrepreneurial skills to young people is a solution to the high unemployment rate among youth worldwide. At the same time, it helps to pave the way to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.

Youth living in poor countries, disconnected communities, conflict areas can help generate economic growth and sustainable wellbeing if they have access to entrepreneurial skills.

According to the World Economic Forum one in five people aged 15-34 is unemployed, not engaged in formal education or training.

Data from the World Bank confirm that the total youth unemployment rate, labor force ages 15-24, in 2018 was 13.23percent.

The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition strongly encourages youth entrepreneurship as crucial to achieving the SDGs.

Youth have to be empowered with the necessary skills and motivation to spark innovation and economic growth. The members of the Entrepreneurship Campus have the opportunity to gain an entrepreneurial mindset through free online training.

Eight different lessons by Professor Gunter Faltin’s book ‘Brains versus Capital’ provide simple and smart answers to questions often considered difficult.
Lesson by lesson, the user starts to build the right mindset and to think like an entrepreneur.
They understand how problems can turn into solutions or even how innovation is easier when some main factors are taken into consideration.

At the same time, they have the opportunity to apply all the knowledge in a real idea or projects and compete in the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition. The platform is based on the spirit of cooperation, which means that the contestants help each-other.

They share ideas and experience while getting a taste of the entrepreneurial life. The latter is not easy. The young wannapreneur needs to master a set of different skills including finance, business plans, tax administration, and especially marketing.

The contestants learn how to market their ideas and projects during the voting stage. They have to make the entry known to as many people possible and to convince them to vote, not only once, but many times.
It sounds tough, but that’s the entrepreneurial life.

Many of the contestants manage to successfully convert their ideas into real products and services because they determined to solve a social cause.
You too can be one of these young changemakers. Join the movement!

Photo Credit: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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“Youth have to be empowered with the necessary skills and motivation to spark innovation and economic growth. The members of the Entrepreneurship Campus have the opportunity to gain an entrepreneurial mindset through free online training”.

This is very true. thank you campus competition for this opportunity



“Teaching entrepreneurial skills to young people is a solution to the high unemployment rate among youth worldwide. At the same time, it helps to pave the way to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals”.

This is very much true. thank you campus administrator for sharing this article



According to the World Economic Forum one in five people aged 15-34 is unemployed, not engaged in formal education or training.

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It is true that most youth are un or under employed. Some are working just to earn a living while others are no enterprising in any way.
I am determined to solve a social cause hence the motivation behind my idea fashion and designing – Priceless look. I intend to go about my venture and enjoy every bit of it while i meet the social needs of the people and in the fulfilment of SDG goals 8 and 9.



For most wannapreneurs. I think the major problem They face is marketing their ideas rather than finance. It might sound strange but it’s the truth. How does a 16year old student with no marketing skills whatsoever convince an investor to buy into his idea. It’s a Major issue, but with books and pushing yourself you will make it. Even if you fail many times. Entrpreneurship is here to stay and only daring people will give their all to see their ideas come to life

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