How Entrepreneurship Training Tackles Youth Unemployment?

Veröffentlicht am: Jun 28, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

How Entrepreneurship Training Tackles Youth Unemployment?

“Take a job that you love. You will jump out of bed in the morning,” says Warren Buffet, but not all the people in the world have the opportunity to find the job of their dreams. There are people living in developing countries who struggle to find a job.
Hundreds of forums and that focus on unemployment and especially youth unemployment summits are organized every year all over the world. The strategy highlighted in such events is not new. They say that more training, education and youth entrepreneurship is needed in order to cut the youth unemployment rate. On the other hand, youth has a lot of potentials that need to be discovered and used. Training and education benefit them when they can find work. The question is, what to do when there are no decent employment opportunities?
In this case, they should be created. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the lack of higher education leaves millions of youth out of decent work in developing countries. It is proved that the lack of education is related to poverty. Children and youngsters cannot afford to pay for school and in most of the cases, they need to work in order to support their families. Hence, they fail to gain skills that would provide them access to decent work and productive employment.
Better education and entrepreneurship training are considered to help the problem of idle youth. These two can teach to young people the skills and the right mindset for becoming entrepreneurs. Therefore, they can develop business ideas that benefit large communities and also they can create jobs for their peers.
The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition encourages youngsters from all over the world to try and succeed. With the help of the free online courses, they can learn entrepreneurial skills, how to be innovative and look at things from a different perspective.
In the meantime, the participants of YCEC are encouraged to create their own jobs, when the labor market doesn’t offer any. They can also hire other people. One of the primary purposes of out initiative is to nurture the seeds of success and creating a sustainable world by championing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

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Powerful areticle here again. The importance of entrepreneurship training cannot be overemphasis. The campus competition is doing it all and it is amazing



I think I really like this post. It has said virtually all that’s needed to make the difference – giving better education and entrepreneurship training. I know where the world is going and I’m headed same route.

Thank you campus administrator for sharing


Real awesome, most of youth especially graduands, have higher expectations to acquire good job with good salary but things change when join the society with full of happiness and sadness, different people with different levels of education and understanding,

Only few youth, like us in YCEC realize, the importance of self employed and entrepreneurship skills,

In this forum,is like we’re in furnance /kiln, this forum made us how we can see the opportunities and how we can create awareness

The book of Howard Schultz, known POUR YOUR HEAT INTO IT, explain how Starbucks comes from and how now is the big company contend with big company in Italy dealings with coffee

Howard Schultz, he had a dream of changing American people about drinking coffee in restaurants like Italians Did ,He got many challenges but final succeed

So, am sure we are like Howard Schultz, Warren Buffet ,bill gate, Jack Ma and all successful entrepreneurs in the world

The coming Richest people and entrepreneurs in this World are Farmers


Kemal Abdela


It is really very nice post. Education is the most important and necessary to the empowerment of youth at all levels. entrepreneurship training or seminars is also part of education that can help the young people to gain the knowledge and skills required to improve their lives.
It is bacause of this and other youth issues that i am initiated and established O-YES Foundation together with my team.
In near future we are going to organise an international conference that aims to gather over 60 young people who have brilliant works or ideas but luck opportunity to learn more and share theirs to others.
Thus, I would like to invite you to join us.
For more information please contact me@ [email protected]



Truly said but it’s kind of different in Nigeria, people only result to entrepreneur when they don’t gain employment into their course field. More so, some inborn entrepreneurs like me are disdained because we refuse to study courses like medicine, engineering, law, e.t.c even schools train most students to become employees,even most entrepreneurship seminarians are those who have zero knowledge, experience and skills. Since I was born, the day I stumbled on Goi Peace Foundation website is the happiest day of my life.

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