How to Promote Your Entry on Social Media and other Channels?

Veröffentlicht am: May 20, 2019
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

How to Promote Your Entry on Social Media and other Channels?

Entrepreneurship Campus

Now that the voting process has started, you will understand why marketing is an integral component of the entrepreneurial design. Your idea or project might be great and highly beneficial to many people, but you need to get them to notice your service or product.

Getting started as a young entrepreneur is an exciting and challenging endeavor. Even if young people lack experience and knowledge, they have readiness and motivation to push through obstacles.
“You’ve got to be crazy if you want to be an entrepreneur: you’ll have to work 12 to 14 hours a day, there will be no vacations in the near future, and you’ll have little or no private life anymore,” Guenter Faltin says on his book Brains versus Capital.
When talking about successful startups and good entrepreneurial ideas, innovation can be applied both in emerging and existing industries. In other words, everywhere where there’s an opportunity for growth and development.
At the initial stage, the young entrepreneur starts to feel like a Jack of all trades by switching into different roles from bookkeeping to marketing.

When you start promoting your idea or project make sure to:

  • Explain how it is or will benefit your community or a specific category
  • Highlight what frustrating problems you are trying to solve and how you are doing it
  • Use emotions to make the audience notice, share, and vote for you
  • No matter what medium you’re using, create a human voice for your product/service

Even though not everyone has equal access to an internet connection, there are traditional mediums that are still on trend.
Print, daily papers, magazines, radio shows, podcasts, television, direct mail, telephone, and SMS are a good option if they have an audience and are cost effective.
Word-of-mouth marketing. It works for big brands, it will work for you too.

When promoting an idea or project, or everything, people reach out to relatives, friends, people at the school or university, local clubs, organizations. Social media will help you get more audience. Start by identifying the most popular social media sites in your region.
According to the Global Digital Report 2019 the number of
Internet users worldwide in 2019 is 4.3 billion
Social media users in 2019 are 3.4 billion
Mobile phone users in 2019 are 5.1 billion

The same survey confirms that the most popular social media around the world based on the number of users are:

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • WhatsApp
  • Messenger
  • WeChat
  • Instagram
  • QQ
  • QZone
  • Tumblr
  • Tik Tok
  • Sina Weibo
  • Twitter
  • Reddit
  • Linkedin
  • Skype
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest

Next step. Identify what is the best type of content for each of these channels. Most people use social media for fun and relaxing. They chat with friends, look for photos, videos, and interesting content.

  • You can create a voice with videos and images
  • Cross post across channels,
  • Use your hashtags
  • Appeal to influencers by quoting them on your promotions
  • Organize contests and giveaways
  • Share content from your friends
  • Ask for input
  • Share helpful information
  • Don’t over post
  • Schedule social media posts in advance
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This is important reminders. Thank you campus administrator



Thank you campus administrator for this important reminders



I’m using social media to promote my idea. Firstly i participated in innovative ideas in competition in my country. Then i came to know about this campus and through social networking i’m trying to explore my idea as much as i can



Actually I started a new Instagram account for my idea, and I want to continue it after campus too, we have new followers every day and we promote ourselves twice a day. it really goes to next level every day and I am experiencing something that I have never experienced before.



My idea, “Ecological Community PopulAction”, was nominated for the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition in the Best Ideas 2019 category. Please read my idea at and consider supporting my idea with comments and votes!

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