How to Think as a Founder?

Veröffentlicht am: Apr 4, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

How to Think as a Founder?

Revolutions aim at making the world a better place. This was the purpose of the Industrial Revolution. Although it happened some 200 years ago, it is the reason why we have a better quality of life nowadays. But we also inherited the eight-hour day of work, which now seems to be outdated. One of the questions that roam the head of people that work eight hours a day is how to break free from the 8 to 4 or 9 to 5 lifestyle. The solutions to what some people call the 8-4 rat race includes a few options.

At first, you can stay at school as long as you can by winning scholarships in all the continents if you are enough smart and knowledgeable. Said in other words: learning and travelling alias the ideal life of the lifelong learner.

Secondly, freelancing, which means working from x to y hours.

Third: “I’m going to start my own company.”

Compared to the previous two, this is what most of the people dream, but only a few of them have a good idea, and fewer more take action and turn it a product, a startup or a company. However, not all of them succeed.

In order to achieve success, one has to think like a founder or adapt a founder’s mindset.

These people, know how and when to take risks, they attract great people around them and the bottom line is that they change our lives for good. According to linguistics, a founder is a person that manufactures articles of cast metal. He creates useful tools made of  strong elements that guarantee usability and longevity. This word suits best the founder-entrepreneur.

Back to the 8 to 4 lifestyle. The people that decide to found a company will employee people that are going to work about eight hours a day. This is a cycle that seems to bring improvement.

Various people say the same thing about founders. They take a big picture view and even though they don’t know well how some elements of a company work, they can easily manage.

The founder is like a composer

This is what Professor Guenter Faltin explains as work with components. According to him, the entrepreneur is like a composer. The latter can’t play every instrument in an orchestra, but he knows how to coordinate individual instruments. Therefore, the entrepreneur is like the composer that knows how to coordinate his instruments in order to achieve a goal. Founders tend to think that only they can turn their idea into a great success, but as the company grows other people are with different skills are needed. Thus, what they should do is to attract professional components since the beginning and organize them.

Moreover, another important thing that professor Faltin says is that composers often recombine things that already exist rather than inventing something new.

Founders bring out the best of their teams. They have the ability to attract the most talented people, inspire and guide them. Founders also know that their passion and ability to inspire others are not enough. Money is important when it comes to capitalizing on opportunities, something that is almost difficult to do alone. Therefore, they need to do what is called, give equity, therefore, they can help to build a valuable company.

Another thing that people agree about founders is that they belong to a very rare species. They are born with some traits but they acquire important skills during their life. You can learn them by joining the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition. This is the environment where young entrepreneurs and innovation enthusiasts from all over the word share ideas and gain the necessary skills that help them to take the first steps of developing a great idea into reality.

Photo Credit: pixabay

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powerful article. “Founders bring out the best of their teams. They have the ability to attract the most talented people, inspire and guide them. Founders also know that their passion and ability to inspire others are not enough. Money is important when it comes to capitalizing on opportunities, something that is almost difficult to do alone. Therefore, they need to do what is called, give equity, therefore, they can help to build a valuable company’

Thank you campus administrator for the above reminder of my vision and further sealing it in my mind



Another powerful piece on thinking as an entrepreneur. Thank you for the encouragement campus competition.



Really interesting and awesome.
Thank you very much sir.



Wow…This is nice
I am very grateful to be here.


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