How YCEC Helps Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries Succeed?

Veröffentlicht am: Apr 14, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

How YCEC Helps Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries Succeed?

Follow the money. This is the advice that investigative journalists share with students and less experienced colleagues. It’s like the Yellow Brick Road in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which takes Dorothy to her destination, the City of Emeralds. The same way, money is the clue that helps determined journalists to shed light on cases mostly related to corruption, thus they do their part on improving society, whatever society it may be.
What about young entrepreneurs and money? What piece of advice can help them to improve their society, city, country or even the world?
Seek for contentment, not wealth. Some people believe that money is the product that a motivated entrepreneur generates and not the motivation for turning an idea into a successful company.
There are many entrepreneurs around the world that are driven by the need for making their dreams a reality and not by the need for making a lot of money. The lucky ones can achieve both at the same time. However, when it comes to entrepreneurship in developing countries, the lack of capital is one of the main factors that affects the odds of success. How can someone alleviate poverty and improve life in a poor country without the necessary capital?
It depends on the circumstances. Entrepreneurs in developed countries face problems that sometimes are out of their control, such as market risks or political turmoil. Such factors make them thinks about the major fear of a person that is starting a new business: This is going to fail.
On the other hand, cultural and social aspects in developing countries can affect entrepreneurial practices for good. People, there are more focused on finding a solution to major problems that can improve the life of entire communities. All that they need are new opportunities to get their voice heard and support for their ideas.
The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition is helping young people from all over to the world to learn how to make a change and how to turn their ideas into a successful solution that help and inspire others.
“This campus keeps my heart warm noticing the fact that innovation is being considered at all levels, that different young idea-people from all nationalities and all mindsets, help each other to form a big living organism that creates value for humanity. That we believe in change,” this are the words that Imam Hadi a member of our community said about the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition. Hurry up and grab this opportunity, join the competition.

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“Cultural and social aspects in developing countries can affect entrepreneurial practices for good. People, there are more focused on finding a solution to major problems that can improve the life of entire communities. All that they need are new opportunities to get their voice heard and support for their ideas.
The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition is helping young people from all over to the world to learn how to make a change and how to turn their ideas into a successful solution that help and inspire others.
“This campus keeps my heart warm noticing the fact that innovation is being considered at all levels, that different young idea-people from all nationalities and all mindsets, help each other to form a big living organism that creates value for humanity. That we believe in change,” this are the words that Imam Hadi a member of our community said about the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition. Hurry up and grab this opportunity, join the competition”.

Wao! I will definitely change my youth citizen entrepreneurship competition publicity/visibility content to include this. It is quite powerful for me.

Thank you campus administrator for sharing and thereby enriching my advert content for this competition



This is the core of this competition and it is quite appreciated. Thank youth citizen entrepreneurship competition


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