#MEET BeyondTravellingCambodia

Veröffentlicht am: Jul 28, 2016
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

#MEET BeyondTravellingCambodia



#MEET BeyondTravellingCambodia

This is a short interview we conducted with Dielamo Miederi Oyeghe, the founder of “BeyondTravellingCambodia”. If you like the concept of this idea and would like to vote for it, click HERE.


  1. What is your background?

My name is Sokchamreun PEOU from Cambodia and I'm 25 years old. I have a bachelor degree of law, yet I’m working closely with tourism industry. I started working since I was studying my first year at university as a freelance tour guide. In addition to that I'm also a freelance tour leader, team leader, and project manager as well.

  1. Describe your idea or project in two sentences.

I'm calling my project as BeyondTravellingCambodia. BTC is an internet tourism platform that promotes responsible tourism. We mainly focus on three themes, To Travel, To Discover and To Empower. BTC creates a tour with social impact.

  1. What are the benefits you take from the Entrepreneurship Campus?

Honestly, I've been involved in many social entrepreneurship workshops that allow me to find my passion. Not many of them can provide what I’m looking for till I went through Entrepreneurship Campus. Free-Online training course which I can watch over again and again to unlock the answer to my question. It's so helpful by guiding you to concentrate toward the goal intentionally. Importantly, I obtain a precious chance to share my project to the world, and to have it review by committee and give feedback. Furthermore, I have to say it's a free mentorship that tells everything you need in detail. From building idea to the business canvas model, turning your idea to a real project and they are amazing that you don't feel leaving behind though Entrepreneurship Campus is an online platform. With them you are guided.

  1. What motivates you to be an entrepreneur?

The eyes that full of hope, and the smile on the face of people are the major motivation that make me change and I want to be the change for people. Five years with tourism industry had allowed me going to everywhere in Cambodia especially the rural area where I could understand the life of underprivileged people. Every time I guide my traveller there, I always feel their needs in my heart and I keep telling myself that they deserve a one last chance to their life for a betterment, that's why here I am as the change maker or social entrepreneur to change their life.

  1. Imagine you have ‚supreme power’ to create and innovate: how would your world look like? What changes would you like to make in your community and/or in the world? Share your thoughts from a ‚supreme power’ and entrepreneur standpoint.

I will change my project from BeyondTravellingCambodia to be BeyondTravellingWorld because I can bring my traveler to everywhere in the world for travelling purpose but also to empower the people in needs by helping them. I and my traveler will give back to people as much as we can in order to build a better world together. To be mentioned, I might be the founder of the company but I want my traveller around the world to become the face of the company, so that they can help spreading the word to other and inspire them to do good as well. I'm alone I can do little, but together we can help building a better world.

  1. What would you say to potential voters who may be reading your interview?

The honour is to me for having you reading my project and also this interview. I hope you have learned and understood why I created this project. Without a doubt, you would feel that you want to do the same like I'm doing now, so please start it now. You don't have to wait till you ready because the people who need your help can't wait for your arrival. Even though, you don't have the skill, but trust me you will learn by start doing it, and this is how social entrepreneur work. We turn every obstacles in to challenging or even the opportunity to grow for betterment. If you feel the same way, please leave your comment on my project, and if you have any feedback please leave it as well, and I'm happy to develop my project for betterment too. From the bottom of my heart thanks for sparing your precious time reading this.


• NOTICE: If you want to see more submitted ideas and projects at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, visit BEST IDEAS and BEST PROJECTS and VOTE for the ones you think deserve to WIN the Competition!

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What present a niche for me in these interviews is their motivation for becoming entrepreneurs and what as campus member they believe thay have benefited from campus competition. for more than travel, the founder belived the campus competition did presented him/her opportuntiy thus: ” involved in many social entrepreneurship workshops that allow me to find my passion. Not many of them can provide what I’m looking for till I went through Entrepreneurship Campus. Free-Online training course which I can watch over again and again to unlock the answer to my question. It’s so helpful by guiding you to concentrate toward the goal intentionally. Importantly, I obtain a precious chance to share my project to the world, and to have it review by committee and give feedback. Furthermore, I have to say it’s a free mentorship that tells everything you need in detail. From building idea to the business canvas model, turning your idea to a real project and they are amazing that you don’t feel leaving behind though Entrepreneurship Campus is an online platform. With them you are guided”.

Campus members i do not know what I and you will leave behind as having gotten from this campus. But I think we have gain much



another powerful interview for beyond travel with a motivation from a desire for eyes that full of hope, and the smile on the face of people are the major motivation that make me change and I want to be the change for people. Five years with tourism industry had allowed me going to everywhere in Cambodia especially the rural area where I could understand the life of underprivileged people. Every time I guide my traveller there, I always feel their needs in my heart and I keep telling myself that they deserve a one last chance to their life for a betterment, that’s why here I am as the change maker or social entrepreneur to change their life.


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