#MEET Bloodou - Pakistan's First Blood Donation Mobile Application

Veröffentlicht am: Aug 28, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

#MEET Bloodou - Pakistan's First Blood Donation Mobile Application

#MEET Bloodou - Pakistan's First Blood Donation Mobile Application

This is a short interview we conducted with Muhammad Saqib Rasheed, the creator of Bloodou - Pakistan's First Blood Donation Mobile Application. If you like this project and would like to vote for it, click here.

1. Please, tell us a bit about yourself: where are you from and what is your background?

My name is Muhammad Saqib Rasheed and I'm from Pakistan. I've done my bachelors in Marketing and Finance from Pakistan's top business university, Lahore School of Economics.
In the start of 2017, on the basis of my community service projects, I was also selected as a Cultural Ambassador of Pakistan to the USA for 5 months.

2. Can you describe your idea or project in two sentences?

My idea is to enhance communication between the person who needs blood and the person who is capable of giving it.
This blood donation application will also provide an easy, accessible and quick way of finding the blood no matter the geographical location.

3. How did you get your idea or concept?

When I read about the fact that thousands of people in Pakistan die every year due to unavailability of blood; Every day I got tons of messages from my friends, relatives that someone that they know needs blood of this special blood group. After spending day and night thinking, I finally came up with this idea.

4. What is unique about your idea/project and how does it benefit mankind?

It will save thousands of lives every year. It can be customized and has the potential of expanding into Pakistans biggest blood bank. There's much more to it but every single life this application saves makes it unique in every way.

5. Describe yourself as an entrepreneur in one sentence

I'm a common man who had the courage to be part of something bigger than himself.

6. How do you deal with people that doubt your abilities/initiatives?

Work in silence and let your success make the noise :)

7. Where does your passion lie?

My passion is to give people reasons to smile. I do it in all ways possible. Spending time with the people who live in solitary, eating with people who have no access to food and providing medical facilities to people who have no access to it.

 8. What are you afraid of or what keeps you up at night?

Bunch of ideas jumbled in mind about how can I help more and more people.

9. According to you, money is a synonym for.....


10. If you could rid the world of three things, what would they be?

  1. Corruption
  2. Injustice
  3. Hatred

11. What are the benefits you take from the Entrepreneurship Campus?

Socializing with people from all parts of the world. Skimming through their ideas which also helps to clear my mind about what better things I could do in my country to make it better in any way.

12. What do you like more about the Entrepreneurship Campus?

Their idea of bringing up this platform which contributes to making this "WORLD" a better place to live.

13. Which idea/project do you like most?

Mine, obviously lol

14. Please, include a link to a video if you have one


NOTICE: If you want to see more submitted ideas and projects at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, visit BEST IDEAS and BEST PROJECTS and VOTE for the ones you think deserve to WIN the Competition!

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(1) Kommentare

Uledi Kimbavala


You have shown unique service project in health care affairs and your contribution to your community is in forgettable. Keep it up, keep moving forward.Congratulation for being Supportive to your community.
You may wish to share your experience in my idea ” Zero hunger is possible”
Best of luck!
Uledi Kimbavala
Zero hunger is possible


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