#MEET Children's Radio Channel Project

Veröffentlicht am: Aug 9, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

#MEET Children's Radio Channel Project

#MEET Children's Radio Channel Project

This is a short interview we conducted with Abdul Karim Kabia, the creator of Children's Radio Channel Project. If you like this project and would like to vote for it, click here

1. Please, tell us a bit about yourself: where are you from and what is your background?

Abdul Karim Kabia is my name and I am a Journalist and Child Rights Activist in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Over the past twelve years, I have researched, edited, produced, published and presented compelling stories ranging from human rights to youth empowerment, through the media. Following the death of my first late daughter, I co-founded a child welfare organization in her memory and we have since been championing children's health and educational campaigns. I am a graduate of London School of Journalism and currently works for a multi media company (Television, radio, and newspaper) as Director of Communications and Public Relations.

2. Can you describe your idea or project in two sentences?

The children's radio channel project seeks to provide formal and informal education for underserved children in Sierra Leone through the radio. It is also a platform for advocacy, job training and fund raising for interventions in children's health and education.

3. How did you get your idea or concept?

The radio channel was inspired by the challenges faced by a good number of Sierra Leonean children to access formal and even civic education. The idea was to create a multi purpose platform for the benefit of children seeking quality and equitable education and healthcare. And the idea was conceptualize during the Mandela Washington Fellowship which I benefited from in 2016.

4. What is unique about your idea/project and how does it benefit mankind?

It is a single project with multiple benefits - it provides both formal and civic education, it serves as a fund raising platform for medical interventions and educational scholarships, it is an advocacy platform for the rights of children and it equally serves as a mentorship or training center for young people.

5. Describe yourself as an entrepreneur in one sentence

The social entrepreneur in me supports revenue generation initiatives while serving humanity at the same time.

6. How do you deal with people that doubt your abilities/initiatives?

I tirelessly engage such people and make them understand why certain things should be done. I am persistent and persuasive.

7. Where does your passion lie?

My passion lies in the memory of my late first daughter. I want other children to benefit from the life my daughter never enjoyed.

8. What are you afraid of or what keeps you up at night?

The cries of suffering children with the innocence in their eyes and the neglect they suffer from our leaders trouble me every day and night.

9. According to you, money is a synonym for.....


10. If you could rid the world of three things, what would they be?

Disease, Poverty, and Immorality

11. What are the benefits you take from the Entrepreneurship Campus?

It has helped shaped my idea and inspired me the more to continue with my project against all odds.

12. What do you like more about the Entrepreneurship Campus?

I was touched by the willingness of members to give suggestions to better one's idea.

13. Which idea/project do you like most?

I love the preventing malaria project.

NOTICE: If you want to see more submitted ideas and projects at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, visit BEST IDEAS and BEST PROJECTS and VOTE for the ones you think deserve to WIN the Competition!

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Impressive. I really appreciate the fact that your idea was inspired by the challenges faced by a good number of Sierra Leonean children to access formal and even civic education. The idea was to create a multi purpose platform for the benefit of children seeking quality and equitable education and healthcare. And the idea was conceptualize during the Mandela Washington Fellowship which I benefited from in 2016.

Being a young person I am quite interested in creating the world, I desire to see and live. I believe that if all young persons have this mind, we will surely recreate the world because we are the future generation. If we recreate our world now, tomorrow will live in the world we desire and our children will see the world in a different perspective from what we are presently seeing and living.

“You may live in the world as it is, but you can still work to create the world as it should be” Michelle Obama

Thank you campus administrator for sharing this interview.



Wao! Wao! what a wonerful benefit from YCEC @Children’s Radio Channel.
“It has helped shaped my idea and inspired me the more to continue with my project against all odds”

Thank you for sharing Campus administrator



Really interesting and awesome.
The children’s radio channel project seeks to provide formal and informal education for under served children in Sierra Leone through the radio.
Good luck



Congrats Abdul your project is very timely. You seek to wipe tears away from the eyes of kids. Thank you


Good work!
Keep it up!

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