#MEET Solar window for all

Veröffentlicht am: Aug 29, 2016
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

#MEET Solar window for all


#MEET Solar window for all

This is a short interview we conducted with Iman Hadi, the founder of “Solar window for all". If you like the concept of this idea and would like to vote for it, click HERE.

  • What is your background?

My name is Iman Hadi and I'm representing here my idea 'Solar window for all'. As a 28 years old Iranian Entrepreneur and inventor with a bachelor's degree in Physics, I have constantly been working on new ways to deliver more efficient renewable energy technologies.

  • Describe your idea or project in two sentences.

The most convenient way to bring renewable energy production to the hands of the end users, and let them be the starting sustainable generators. It gathers electricity from a new potential surface that barely has been noticed before, in a very cost-efficient way.

  • What are the benefits you take from the Entrepreneurship Campus?

This campus keeps my heart warm noticing the fact that innovation is being considered in all levels, that different young idea-people from all nationalities and all mindsets, help each other to form a big living organism that creates value for humanity. That we believe in change.

  • What motivates you to be an entrepreneur?

We can't be perfect in all ways, we can't learn as much information to solely create big changes. We just need to unite and focus, that's where entrepreneurs can facilitate the process, to be the conductor of the orchestra. I have always been fascinated by the fact that energies can't be generated. We can't create them from nothing. All we can do is to use means to convert them. That's why the future belongs to those who can scavenge energy wisely. A lot of energy comes from sun on a daily basis, even adding one percent on the energy harvesting potential is a massive help to reduce carbone emission. That's why we can be a help even in small scales. When even end-users become generators , a worldwide sustainable entrepreneurial system works to help mother nature.

  • Imagine you have ‚supreme power’ to create and innovate: how would your world look like? What changes would you like to make in your community and/or in the world? Share your thoughts from a ‚supreme power’ and entrepreneur standpoint.

As a supreme power I would more importantly consider developing the low-techs, the technologies that aren't complex and costly to create, like small changes in current products and processes that make a difference. Independent scientists would be empowered and affiliations wouldn't be necessary to move the borders of science. My world would be made of micro-corporations, paperwork would be something from history and results would be the center of evaluations. I would make sure that "Why" is a sacred word.

  • What would you say to potential voters who may be reading your interview?

Voting here is a help to the innovator that you see her/his work and you care about the potential change they can make. So let's support each other by voting and commenting. We need to be us more than any time before in history.

• NOTICE: If you want to see more submitted ideas and projects at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, visit BEST IDEAS and BEST PROJECTS and VOTE for the ones you think deserve to WIN the Competition!

Photo by VisualHunt

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Wonderful idea @solar window for all. “the most convenient way to bring renewable energy production to the hands of the end users, and let them be the starting sustainable generators. It gathers electricity from a new potential surface that barely has been noticed before, in a very cost-efficient way”

This is quite innovative. Thank you youth citizen entrepreneurship competition



Great idea. Thank you campus administrator for using this medium to once again teach campus members one of the ways of assessing the progress of a business.



Congratulations for all your efforts and for your project.


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