On World Refugee Day We Stand #WithRefugees

Veröffentlicht am: Jun 20, 2018
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

On World Refugee Day We Stand #WithRefugees


Millions of people worldwide unexpectedly become or are even born refugees. Today, June 20th is World Refugee Day and it is a global effort to stand up and to raise awareness for all the children, men, and women that are forced to flee their homes.
"On World Refugee Day, we must all think about what more we can we do to help," writes UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
The refugees’ crisis is a raising concern all over the world and refugee crisis related data confirm this.

Facts on refugees' crisis

So far, 25,3 million people have fled their homes and countries
Over 55 percent of refugees worldwide come from Syria, Afghanistan, and South Sudan while Uganda, Pakistan, and Turkey are the top three hosting countries. People are also fleeing from Myanmar and Somalia. Currently, Lebanon, Iran, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Uganda, Germany, and Chad are among the top-ten host countries.
Save the Children confirms that over half of the world refugees are
Children and 3.7 million refugee children don't have access to education.
The reasons why people become refugees are different. They vary from religious, social, racial, ethnic, political persecution, war, and armed conflicts, hunger, gender and sexual orientation, and climate change.

“Now more than ever, we need to stand #WithRefugees,” is the theme for World Refugee Day 2018.
World Refugee Day honors the courage of refugees and all the initiatives and people involved in raising public awareness about

There have been various contestants of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition that have ideas or run projects related to refugees. We are happy to have you with us and we are also looking forward to more ideas and projects that tackle this major issue and both its causes and consequences. About 11 out of the 17 SGS are relevant to migration, but even more can be relevant to the refugees’ crisis because the goals leave no one behind. It’s up to each of us to think and also to take and encourage action in the best way we can. We can educate ourselves and others about the refugees' crisis.

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(3) Kommentare



Yes I stand with refugees because I have understanding of many young persons like me in refugees camps and definitely miss out from the studies in schools. It is not a good experienceas even some loss their parents.



As a social worker by profession. I understand perfectly the issues and challenges refugees face and encountered. It is easy say than done. I stand with refugees in all ramifications



Yes sir refugee crisis is so bad in Bangladesh right now.Also there maybe a future crisis in Assam ,India because of recent NRC counting.About 40 lakh people could be deported


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