Prof. Muhammad Yunus and Prof. Guenter Faltin talk about Entrepreneurship

Veröffentlicht am: Apr 4, 2013
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

In these two videos, Nobel Peace Prize winner Prof. Muhammad Yunus and Prof. Dr. Guenter Faltin share their views on Entrepreneurship. In the first video, Dr. Yunus points out in his interview that almost everybody can be an entrepreneur. Even if your living in a county like Bangladesh.

The second video is a keynote of Dr. Yunus at the Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin. The Summit is organized by Prof. Faltin's Foundation for Entrepreneurship.

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Wao interesting interview. Everyone has the capability to be an enterpreneur. We are all born with talents and we all need to explore our inmates talents and skills and use it to solve complex problems facing the world. I really apreciate my mum for encouraging to be part of this competition at this age eventhough I had initially resisted I have learnt a great deal and will definitely use it. I now see why this is a campus platform for ernterpreneurs and I hope campus members understand that we are all in a laerning environment and make use of these resources.

Campus members please have time for this resources.
Best wishes in the implementation of your ideas.



Another interesting interview here campus members. entrepreneurship is inboorn. Though the societycan make individuals feel that they cannot make it and so can only work for someone, it not true. Entrepreneurship is inherent not just for the educated but for everyone. Wao I think this is the idea behing this entrepreneuship campus to help us and motivate us to realize our inherent capacibilities and used thing already in existence to solve the worlds complex problems.

Campus members this is entreprenurship campus. The idea is for us to study and come with ideas. Please I encourage you to learn as much as possible. This is a wonderful experience. I am blessed


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