Russia seen in a surprising way-A dialogue between Prof. Frithjof Bergmann and Prof. Günter Faltin

Veröffentlicht am: Apr 4, 2013
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Prof. Bergmann is well-known for his work on New Work. He is consulting Google, the city Detroit in USA and other institutions. In this interview with Prof. Faltin, he talks about Russia and what surprises it has for us in regard to New Work and Entrepreneurship.


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In this interview, there is an imperative need to look around us as up coming entrepreneurs and find old, dilapidated things or ideas and have a need to model them into new ideas or thinkg that will serve important complex problems in the world. The essence is to encourage us not to only depend on new ideas but make functional business from alsredy existing business. May be from one country to another. ideas can be exchanged. The story of chicken legs in our oline training summarizes this article also. transporting chicken legs from where is not eating to where it is a delicacy.

Campus member can we think of such ideas?



Awesome . I encourage all campus members to watch this video of interview of Prof Prof. Bergmann, on his work the “New Work”. this video discuss in details the need for entrepreneurs to innovate ideas form existing dilapidated idea and things and making them useful to serve the human need today. I believe that if we all watch this video it will motivate us to turn those old things and idea around to serve a purpose for today and the future, through innovation.


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