Simple Things We All Can Do to Reduce Pollution

Veröffentlicht am: Mar 27, 2019
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Simple Things We All Can Do to Reduce Pollution

Entrepreneurship Campus

Pollution like love is in the air, and even in more places. It’s everywhere in the water and soil, and even when we can’t see it, pollution is there.

We can’t stop drinking water, breathing or planting our lands, but we can take action first by learning more about pollution and second by stopping polluting.

This is a series of posts with information on the different types of pollution and ways to reduce them.

Air Pollution

The air is contaminated with harmful substances and particles such as dust, smoke, gases, soot, odors, liquid droplets, etc. Air pollution happens both indoor and outside. The substances and particles reach high levels of concentration that are dangerous for the environment and for the life of humans and animals.

Human activity is the main source of air pollution:
Burning fossil fuels
Industrial activity, mining, and chemical
Land transportation
Heating and cooking and other household appliances (refrigerator and air conditioners)
Farming and agriculture
Waste management

Natural causes:

air pollution
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Volcanic eruptions
Dust storms
Naturally occurring wildfires
The natural decay of the Earth’s crust

Ambient air pollution alone caused some 4.2 million deaths in 2016, while household air pollution from cooking with polluting fuels and technologies caused an estimated 3.8 million deaths in the same period, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

What to do to reduce air pollution?

Save energy everywhere, turn off lights, computers and other appliances
Use rechargeable batteries
Use energy efficient light bulbs and appliances
Use public transport, walk, ride a bike or go for a cleaner commute
Plant a small garden and get indoor air purifying plants
Grow your own fruit and vegetables
Use water-based or solvent-free paints
Dry clothes without naturally instead of using the dryer
Quit smoking
Don’t use hazardous chemicals
Don’t burn garden waste, leaves, or plastic
Volunteer and participate in environmental groups
Use proper filters for woodstoves and fireplaces
Choose products made of recycled material
Keep your car or other engines properly tuned
Don’t use leaf blowers or other methods that raise dust into the air

What can you add to this list?

Photo Credit: Mohamed Hassan from

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I like that you put all of this research I needed it for school for my genius moment in school



Using renewable sources and reducing the use of plastic and unnecessary use of everything should be avoided.. Including us if everybody think of our future and our future generations we must combat the issues of earth



This article is information. It can be use at school to ssist children understand the importance o the environment



“Save energy everywhere, turn off lights, computers and other appliances
Use rechargeable batteries
Use energy efficient light bulbs and appliances
Use public transport, walk, ride a bike or go for a cleaner commute
Plant a small garden and get indoor air purifying plants
Grow your own fruit and vegetables
Use water-based or solvent-free paints
Dry clothes without naturally instead of using the dryer
Quit smoking
Don’t use hazardous chemicals
Don’t burn garden waste, leaves, or plastic
Volunteer and participate in environmental groups
Use proper filters for woodstoves and fireplaces
Choose products made of recycled material
Keep your car or other engines properly tuned
Don’t use leaf blowers or other methods that raise dust into the air”

Wao! sure I going to paste this in my offices; Who knows someone may read and take action

Regina Filangee


Thank you, this was very helpful

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