Social Entrepreneurship Class 2 and 3 at German Jordan University - Day 2

Veröffentlicht am: Apr 18, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Social Entrepreneurship Class 2 and 3 at German Jordan University - Day 2

Dr. Johanna Richter and Simon Jochim were invited to Amman, Jordan, by the German Jordan University. They did a workshop about Social Entrepreneurship.

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wao! the slides are amazing.
“Charity does not solve poverty
But charity sustains poverty
because it robs the entrepreneurship spirit of the poor”

Very true. It is quite true of developing countries like Nigeria. Until Nigeria realizes this and stop depending on foreign aid, development will be far fetch. OMG, we the young ones need to understand this and see how we can explore our entrepreneurship spirit and work to develop things for ourselves than depending on aids and support . Damn!

Campus competition thank you for this eye opening slide



Thank you campus administrator for sharing this video about social entrepreneurship for our learning. It is amazing


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