TEDxThapaeGate - Guenter Faltin - We need to nurture disruptive ideas for entrepreneurial solutions

Veröffentlicht am: Apr 4, 2013
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Günter Faltin is a Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Free University of Berlin and a visiting Professor at Chiang Mai University.  His talk focused on the power of entrepreneurship: "We need to nurture disruptive ideas for entrepreneurial solutions to our society's huge and complex problems."



In 1985, Faltin started the Teekampagne ("tea campaign"), a successful venture that turned the German tea market upside down and become a market leader. He initiated the Berlin-based "Entrepreneurship Lab" and has been a business angel for successful start-ups. Through the Faltin Foundation for Entrepreneurship, he promotes a new culture of entrepreneurship in Germany. In the United States, the Price-Babson Foundation recognized him with an award "for bringing entrepreneurial vitality to academe." In 2009, he won the German Founder's Award, as well as an award from Germany's Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology for his idea of „founding with components." His wrote the best-selling book „Kopf schlägt Kapital" (brain beats capital).

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The globe is embedded with numerous and complex problems that need radical solutions. this articles is indeed aimed at motivating campus members and spouring us to do more by coming up with all sort of innovative ideas to sole the world complex problems. Of course this the idea behind this compettion and we are lucky to have these artcle that seek to encourage us to do more. The author summarzes this article as “We need to nurture disruptive ideas for entrepreneurial solutions to our society’s huge and complex problems.”

I encourage campus members to read and learn from this article.



Indeed there ars complex of problems facing the world today that need disruptive ideas to proffer solution. One of this idea is the idea began thing competition. I suppose the visionaeer sort for a way to motivate young persons and and even adults to think creatively and innovatively ideas that will solve the world problems.

Campus members, being beneficiaries of this competition shuld not just be for the competion but to ensure that the visioneer’s idea is evolving by coming up with our various ideas and implementing them by solving that problem we intend to solve. Doing this the worlds problems will have solutions



… indeed, brain beats capital. In other words, ” if your pocket is dry, ask your brain why”- Annie 2019


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