Visual overview of the Brains-versus-Capital method

Veröffentlicht am: Dec 16, 2014
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Visual overview of the Brains-versus-Capital method

Everyone has the potential to become an entrepreneur!

Your values, dreams and passions should be the foundation of your start-up. Because your concept has to fit your personality and match your skills and strengths. This is important so you can raise the power and endurance to bring your concept to maturity.

Nowadays you can establish a company in new ways. You can build on existing components and rise as a powerful entrepreneur and compete with the Big Boys.

There are countless advantages for establishing with components.

1. Almost no investment of your own required
2. Almost no fixed costs
3. Variable costs accrue only on actual sales
4. Large savings as compared with established competitors
5. Professional, highly efficient, virtual and global from the very start

Thus, in order to establish a successful company you need an original and sustainable concept that is well balanced and can stand on more than one leg.

You can develop your own original concept in our free online entrepreneurship course now!

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