What Inspires Your Entrepreneurial Spirit?

Veröffentlicht am: Jun 12, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

What Inspires Your Entrepreneurial Spirit?

The ancient Greeks believed in nine muses, which according to them ruled arts and science. But if they would have praised a tenth muse that ruled matters of business and trade, maybe they wouldn’t have ended up bankrupt.
Creativity is the soul of entrepreneurship. This is the reason why we mostly focus on innovation and not on inventions. The former is easier because all it needs is a creative mind, while the latter needs a genius mind.
Thanks to creative thoughts, we can look at things in a different way, reorganize our resources and knowledge and provide simple solutions to major problems. However, there is always something that fuels the creative mind.
Entrepreneurship and business require a combination of hard work, great skills, a touch of luck and a lot of creativity. The latter is like god, it works in mysterious ways. Some people can feel its calling and others have to cultivate a creative mind.

Experience has shown that many successful entrepreneurs gained their status by providing products or services that people desired and liked. The point is that they did it by following their own calling. They had the same pair of eyes that each of us has, but the ways how they tackled problems were unorthodox and daring, and here they are. The value of their companies can reach billions and they inspire millions of people.

How do they do it?

In order to live a creative life that benefits society too, you have to first imagine all the things that you need and desire. These are the things that would have a positive impact on a larger community or even the world if you dream big. Afterward, you must imagine how your world would look like if your dreams become true. It just a matter of visualization. There is no need to be left-handed, bite your nails, or have a migraine in order to be creative. You need precise visualization and unceasing knowledge.

We can help you

As a member of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, you can achieve it with the help of free online training. You can take several lessons on how to generate a successful business idea, how to find potential in what exists already and the most important, how to turn work into fun. Professor Guenter Faltin says in his book ‘Brains versus Capital’ that the thrill that people search in an adventure vacation can also be found through entrepreneurship, through innovative and, at times, extravagant professional work.
If you fuel your creative mind, ideas will start to pop up. Call them shower thoughts, bus thoughts or elevator thoughts. Find the right environment that makes you feel more creative and just think your next move. If you like, share with us, what sparks your creativity.

Photo via pixabay.com

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M inspirations with the desire to live a life that will also benefit others and society.

This is a great article in my opinion. Thank you campus competition for sharing



“In order to live a creative life that benefits society too, you have to first imagine all the things that you need and desire. These are the things that would have a positive impact on a larger community or even the world if you dream big. Afterward, you must imagine how your world would look like if your dreams become true. It just a matter of visualization. There is no need to be left-handed, bite your nails, or have a migraine in order to be creative. You need precise visualization and unceasing knowledge”

Thank for this article campus administrator


Campus -Manager
You nailed it, the only option for entrepreneur to go far is innovation not invention,

For me invention is for scientific but an entrepreneur must innovate something already invented



allot of life attributes drive my entrepreneurship spirit for example the urge to create employment to my fellow youths, an urge to exercise my business potentials.



You’re welcome, Louison. Keep discovering your potential with the help of the online courses and other members of the Campus.

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