You Must Be a Lifelong Learner

Veröffentlicht am: Aug 9, 2019
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Entrepreneurship Campus

Entrepreneurship Campus

Knowledge and new skills change you and the best way to keep such change constant is through lifelong learning.

Lifelong learners are motivated to do it due to various reasons. First, most people associate learning with formal education.

Education a fundamental right, yet millions of children and adolescents don’t have access to education. At the same time, millions of adults, most of them women, are illiterate. Inaccessibility to the right of education impairs those people from improving their living conditions. But it doesn’t mean that they can’t learn new skills. These people can get access to education, vocational or formal in a period of life other than school age.

Second, one can never say: Now I know enough!
Don’t get this comfortable. Change is a constant and you need to evolve too to keep pace with new technologies, phenomena, and mindsets.

Third, learning doesn’t always happen within a school or classroom. Every opportunity that provides people with new skills is a learning environment. From a craftsman workshop to online training, learning opportunities come in many informal ways.
You don’t need a university degree in economics to become an entrepreneur. Find out what is a sustainable entrepreneur and what you need to become one by taking our online training courses.

Before investing in a better world you need to invest in yourself. Prioritize learning.

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“Third, learning doesn’t always happen within a school or classroom. Every opportunity that provides people with new skills is a learning environment. From a craftsman workshop to online training, learning opportunities come in many informal ways.
You don’t need a university degree in economics to become an entrepreneur. Find out what is a sustainable entrepreneur and what you need to become one by taking our online training courses”.

This the idealogy behind Eduheal.
Thank you campus administrator for sharing



Life long learning is quite important. It is said that learning cannot end until one dies. This is beause as far as life is concern there will always be challenges that need solution. So without learning the world is doomed.



As a 2019 Best ldea Finalist, l welcome ALL global citizens to our magnificent entrepreneurship award ceremony day 2019, You are ALL WELCOME!



As a 2019 Best ldea Finalist, l welcome ALL global citizens to our magnificent entrepreneurship summit 2019, You are ALL WELCOME!



“Our life of poverty is as necessary as the work itself. Only in heaven will we see how much we owe to the poor for helping us to love God better because of them.”
Mother Teresa

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