Muhammad Yunus. the power of dignity to drive systemic change
Dieses Ereignis ist Teil des Entrepreneurship Summit 2024. Die Teilnahme an diesem Ereignis erfordert die Zugehörigkeit zum übergeordneten Ereignis. Außerdem empfehlen wir Ihnen dringend, ein Campus-Konto zu registrieren. Dadurch erhalten Sie Zugang zu Aufzeichnungen des Ereignisses und anderen Vorteilen.
This keynote speech will take you on a journey through the life and vision of Professor Muhammad Yunus, how from a simple idea to empower the poors —particularly women—through microcredit, sparking a movement that transformed millions of lives in Bangladesh and beyond. How the unwavering belief in the dignity and potential of every individual has created lasting, systemic change until today.
Today, his work not only offers a powerful model for eradicating poverty and driving social transformation in the global south, but it can inspire new models of human and life-centered innovation in the global north and it has also resulted in his latest role as the head of the interim government in Bangladesh, where he continues to champion human dignity and equity on a national level.
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