IdeaInnovative Greenhouses: Múre Restaurant


Stage of Idea:



Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureSustainable Cities and Communities

Looking for:



Rooftop greenhouses use vertical cultivation technologies and indoor-farm systems for the fertile growth of agricultural crops. Technologies such as hydroponics on rooftops ensure effective plant growth and address several issues: the lack of green spaces in big cities, increased gas emissions from long-distance transportation, and reduced product quality due to transportation. Using this agricultural technologies, we can grow berries, greenery , vegetables, and much more. Our online shop platform provides customers with a convenient way to receive fresh production. The platform will have features such as subscription for periodic delivery right to their doors. This eliminates the inconvenience of having to place repeated orders and guarantees that the consumer will always have access to fresh, locally sourced food. The restaurant's rooftop greenhouses will provide a direct supply line for the freshest ingredients, improving culinary quality and sustainability. The business relies heavily on our brand, which establishes us in the luxury segment. In addition, a marketing strategy is also important. Our vibrant design and the eye-catching appearance of the greenhouses perched on top of the roofs will be key components of our marketing plan.


We specialize in integrating innovative urban agriculture solutions, such as rooftop greenhouses, vertical cultivation technologies, and hydroponics, into urban environments. Our expertise also extends to developing financial strategies, design, and marketing. We can collaborate with other organizations by using their supply of resources, provide them with our production, or share our knowledge. We additionally are actively looking for funding partners.

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