How to Embrace a Sustainable Lifestyle?

Published on: Jun 11, 2019
Entrepreneurship Campus

By Entrepreneurship Campus

How to Embrace a Sustainable Lifestyle?

Entrepreneurship Campus

Sustainability is a buzzword, and yet a vague concept to a lot of people. Even though most people tend to believe that sustainability is about the environment, it is a multidimensional concept. The growing concerns on climate change and its consequences on societies and on the environment helped to put the spotlight on sustainability.

Everyone can adapt to a sustainable lifestyle no matter the location or the available resources. Small daily choices have a big impact, and if you are surrounded by a little or not-at-all sustainable options, you will have to think about your own solutions.

Something that’s important to highlight is the fact that common people as consumers and not the governments can be the key drivers towards sustainability. If everyone starts to get involved, from individuals to large communities, changes can be achieved in smart ways that promote doing more with less.

Get started in small steps by focusing on choices related to daily activities and products. Avoid using products that are made through practices or materials that don’t promote sustainability. A new pair of shoes that maybe you don’t need has an impact that extends from environmental footprint to child labor. Maybe you’ll never meet those that are impacted by your choices, but you need to keep them in mind the next time you buy something.

Below, there are just a few tips for a sustainable lifestyle that you can adapt depending on various circumstances. There are hundreds of millions of people that don’t have access to clean water, are undernourished, or live in extreme poverty.
You can go further by launching your own initiative on sustainable lifestyle Not only embrace sustainable living but also help act through innovative ways that promote such practices to others. Remember that there is room for sustainable development everywhere. We suggest you take the free online training provided by the Entrepreneurship Campus, and you will be able to easily notice opportunities that can improve the lives of many people in your community.
If you already have an idea or project, you can join our competitions. Take a look at our novelty for 2019, the Sustainable Tourism Competition.

First steps for a sustainable lifestyle

Focus on food, water, and energy. Buy only the products that you really need and declutter your home. Try to make your own natural home cleaners and personal care products. Refuse single-use items and take advantage of natural light as much as you can. Walk more or use public transport.

Sustainable food

Urban Gardening
Select products that are healthy for your body and for the environment.
Avoid processed foods and eat more plant-based foods.
Grow your own vegetables and herbs. You can grow potatoes even when living in an apartment and even in a really aesthetic way. Make your own condiments
Boycott products that endanger wildlife, even though they can be used due to lack of bans or old traditions.
Check food labels i.e. when you buy coffee look for shade-grown coffee.
Reduce food waste


sustainable living
Use tap water if it’s safe to drink
Fix plumbing leaks
Shower instead of taking a bath or reduce shower time.
Save water while brushing your teeth, washing your hands or dishes, and while cooking.
If you need cold water, fill a bottle and put in the fridge.
If you need hot water and turn the faucet to warm water, collect the water until it gets warm.
If you live in hot weather areas go for xeriscaping

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What a powerful article. This is quite educating



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“Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for having someone to call their own.”
Mother Teresa



“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
Mother Teresa



Entrepreneurs are those who intersect a balance between social, economic, and environmental toward a sustainable future

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