This is a short interview we conducted with Stephen Kalyesubula, the founder of ''CAGED KUROILER POULTRY KEEPING”. If you like the concept of this idea and would like to vote for it, click HERE.
- What is your background? (Nationality, age, education, field of work).
I am young law abiding Ugandan citizen aged 23 years who possesses good spoken and written communication skills, religious, dynamic, highly motivated and hardworking with good decision making capabilities.
I am a technologist and community activist, public figure of my own and students’ community. Uganda is my native country Am a final year computer engineer from Makerere University and the head of robotics at ILabs@Mak project. I am experienced in project monitoring and evaluation with specialized training skills in designing embedded systems (Hardware and software systems), program designing, system development and result project monitoring and evaluation.
I have led the designing of the projects at Youths in Technology and development Uganda like automatic weather station for alerting mobile phone users about weather changes, designing kroiler cages for poultry projects. Youth empowerment through extending ICT skills for example Conducting robotics trainings in schools and a few projects have been developed like automated green house and hydroponic systems for local farmers in Uganda, and M&E framework and providing technical support to the young people in participatory project monitoring and evaluating.
- Describe your idea or project in two sentences.
"Caged kuroiler poultry keeping to support quality education in low income schools in Uganda" is meant to empower students with entrepreneur skills through manageable income generating activities to enable them raise funds to cater for the financial challenges they face in obtaining quality education which include feeding, clothing, medical, and sanitary for girls, scholastic material, among others. Our targeted audiences are young people aged 18 – 35 years who are in low income schools and are passionate about farming.
- What are the benefits you take from the Entrepreneurship Campus?
- Exposure and networking with fellow youths from other countries
- Empowerment from fellow youths.
- Sharing technical skills since most of the modern technologies enhance youth projects
- Social Proof- Even participating in something as prestigious as the Entrepreneurship campus lends itself well to proving the seriousness of my startup.
- Working towards goals while should always practice the art of goal setting within our startup, outside catalysts like deadlines for competitions help these deadlines seem more tangible.
- Gain access to mentors and networking opportunities
- Improve my understanding of what investors want
- What motivates you to be an entrepreneur?
- Responsibility to society. For other entrepreneurs, there are bigger societal issues driving their work. "For me, it's also about an alignment of story". As an entrepreneur, am interested in analyzing the state of the world, examining the larger stories that are playing out on a macro/global level. While I strive to make sense of these big-picture stories, Am also searching for the places my personal strengths and passions can make a larger impact on the world.
- Impact. Do something that has a direct impact on the outcome of the business.
- Leaving a personal legacy is a huge motivator in my decision to do entrepreneurial work.
- Imagine you have ‚supreme power’ to create and innovate: how would your world look like? What changes would you like to make in your community and/or in the world? Share your thoughts from a ‚supreme power’ and entrepreneur standpoint.
- The world will be freed from poverty, we will survive in comfort with meaning and purpose.
- Education: Schools and Education centers will become Resource Centers that will supply materials, equipment, and advice. There will not be 'Teachers' as such. There will be a choice of Home education, and group education.
- Tools to shape our ideas into products and services will be availed, and entrepreneurs will find many new ways to take advantage.
- Proper channeling of funds to support all the SDGs in all nations.
- What would you say to potential voters who may be reading your interview?
They are the right people to change the world.
• NOTICE: If you want to see more submitted ideas and projects at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, visit BEST IDEAS and BEST PROJECTS and VOTE for the ones you think deserve to WIN the Competition!