#MEET Growth and Technological Innovation in Modern Farming

Published on: Aug 21, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

By Entrepreneurship Campus

#MEET Growth and Technological Innovation in Modern Farming

#MEET Growth and Technological Innovation in Modern Farming

This is a short interview we conducted with Ayubu Massau, the creator of  Growth and Technological Innovation in Modern Farming. If you like this project and would like to vote for it, click here.

1. Please, tell us a bit about yourself: where are you from and what is your background?

I am Ayubu Massau from Tanzania. I was born on January, 28th, 1988. I have a Bachelor’s Degree from Sokoine University of Agriculture found in Tanzania, and a Major in Bsc Agricultural Engineering in 2015. During 2012-2013 period I was General Secretary of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Sokoine University of Agriculture Students Organization (SUASO);
Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of Sokoine University Of Agriculture Students Organization (SUASO);
Class Representatives (CR) Of Agricultural Engineering Class;
Member of Class Representatives (CRs) Boards at SUA.
During 2014-2015period I was Chairman of Engineering Students Association (SUAESA) at SUA.
I attended various training. The last training I participated was conducted by JOHN DEERE Tractor Company at Sokoine University of Agriculture in March 2017, the training was based on utilization machinery in Agriculture.

2. Can you describe your idea or project in two sentences?

To produce quality products by using Nethouse technology and Drip Irrigation by Using Solar Power to Pump Water from Source of Water to the fields.

3. How did you get your idea or concept?

By studying the shortage of quality products in the markets concern horticultural crops.

4. What is unique about your idea/project and how does it benefit mankind?

It is unique because it is based on innovation and technology.
It benefits people because it is simple to understand and capture.

5. Describe yourself as an entrepreneur in one sentence

Dealing with an innovative approach to attain goals.

6. How do you deal with people that doubt your abilities/initiatives?

To present in practice and people witness the reality.

7. Where does your passion lie?

Great achievement

8. What are you afraid of or what keeps you up at night?

To produce low-quality produce which will tarnish my image and loss Markets

9. According to you, money is a synonym for.....

For investments

10. What are the benefits you take from the Entrepreneurship Campus?

Widen my brain in entrepreneurship, to realize more opportunities.

11. What do you like more about the Entrepreneurship Campus?


12. Which idea/project do you like most?

Growth and Technological Innovation In Modern Farming

13. Please, include a link to a video if you have one.


Photo via pixabay.com

NOTICE: If you want to see more submitted ideas and projects at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, visit BEST IDEAS and BEST PROJECTS and VOTE for the ones you think deserve to WIN the Competition!

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Comments (5)



Your opinion on what you like about the YCEC is impressive@ growth and technological Innovation in modern farming.

Being a young person I am quite interested in creating the world, I desire to see and live. I believe that if all young persons have this mind, we will surely recreate the world because we are the future generation. If we recreate our world now, tomorrow will live in the world we desire and our children will see the world in a different perspective from what we are presently seeing and living.
“You may live in the world as it is, but you can still work to create the world as it should be” Michelle Obama

I hope it is not just a wish but it is accompanying with actions because it is actions that can create the world we so desire to live in.

Thank you campus administrator for including this item in your interview questions. It serves as my niche in this interviews.



@Growth and Technological Innovation. I appareciate what you like about campus competition-“Discussions”. Indeed the campus competition is a discussion platform that i really like and I know other campus members like it also.

Thank you campus administrator for sharing



This is real wonderful project, Greenhouse fills the gap in the market caused by seasonal market and this is the best way towards zero hunger, manultrion alleviation and sustained food security.
Best of luck!
Uledi Kimbavala
Zero hunger is possible



Salutation ennobling entrepreneur Ayubu Massau,

I found your project / Idea interesting and it will surely be advantageous for all .
It looks promising and feasible
Congratulations for all your hard work and for your unrivaled Idea / Project.


Hello Ayubu!

Like I commented on your idea, your idea is quite innovative. It supports and promotes sustainable agriculture in order to combat poverty and hunger, and create employment opportunities.

Best of Luck!


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