Published on: Aug 30, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

By Entrepreneurship Campus



This is a short interview we conducted with Aseel Abuhamda the creator of iSEEK. If you like this project and would like to vote for it, click here.

1. Please, tell us a bit about yourself: where are you from and what is your background?

My name is Aseel Abuhamda and I am from Jordan. I am a fourth-year pharmaceutical and chemical engineering student at the German Jordanian University (GJU). I enjoy challenges, participating in new events. I participated in the GJU Green Hackathon event and received an honorary certificate from the President of the university. My colleagues and I were able to come up with an innovative solution, do a prototype in 2 days and pitch our idea in front of 100 people. In that event, I got introduced to a business model, pitching, entrepreneurship and felt so passionate to become an entrepreneur, change something and have a positive impact on society. The theme entrepreneurship interests me so much and I see myself in future as a successful entrepreneur by providing solutions and helping others.

2. Can you describe your idea or project in two sentences?

A mobile application called iSEEK that helps you search for products easily in large hypermarkets. After inserting your shopping list it will guide you in sequence to the different departments present.

3. How did you get your idea or concept?

From personal experience. As a student studying abroad learning to become independent and part time tutor, I started to think of ideas that would make chores less tiring and require less time.

4. What is unique about your idea/project and how does it benefit mankind?

The new application of "tracking and tracing" in hypermarkets to buy products is unique and new. The idea is beneficial to hypermarket owners, customers with tight time, old or disabled people who can't roam around easily and last but not least market researchers; as they can receive a direct analysis of highly popular/most sold products.

5. Describe yourself as an entrepreneur in one sentence

As an entrepreneur, I would like to change people's lives and enjoy the journey at the same time.

6. How do you deal with people that doubt your abilities/initiatives?

I remain positive because I am sure of what I am doing. I accept criticism/skepticism and deal with it patiently. I listen to other people's opinion and give them reasons that my idea is successful. However, I don't put extra effort to unhealthy conversations.

7. Where does your passion lie?

The study of pharmaceutical engineering and improving the lives of patients by coming up with ideas and cures.

 8. What are you afraid of or what keeps you up at night?

Frankly speaking there is nothing that keeps me up at night. I manage my time properly to finish everything on time, to sleep well, recharge my batteries and wake up the next day with full potential. However, I do feel worried if I have a presentation in front of 100 people. This drives me to work harder, refer thoroughly to various resources and be fully prepared for any pop question.

9. According to you, money is a synonym for.....

Money is a tactic but not an aim.

10. If you could rid the world of three things, what would they be?

  1. War
  2. Poverty
  3. Islamophobia

11. What are the benefits you take from the Entrepreneurship Campus?

1.I got introduced to new people I never met in person but we have same interests
2.Reinforced my skills in negotiating, critical thinking and answering intelligently
3.Widened my general knowledge from articles, videos, exercises, and stories published
4.Got introduced to video software other candidates have used example "Powtoon"
5.Other candidates' ideas introduced me to different problems/stories happening in different countries around the world
6.As I did a video to represent my idea, I got exposed to things outside the box I am in. For example, contacting video editors, seeking approvals to a video shoot in hypermarkets.

12. What do you like more about the Entrepreneurship Campus?

Finalists are chosen based on how active they are on the platform. This way of breaking the ice and starting conversations is what I liked the most.

13. Which idea/project do you like most?


14. Please, include a link to a video if you have one.


NOTICE: If you want to see more submitted ideas and projects at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, visit BEST IDEAS and BEST PROJECTS and VOTE for the ones you think deserve to WIN the Competition!

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Comments (4)



Oh goodness. This is wonderful helping to limit moving around the entire shop searching for an item. It is quite innovative in my opinion



Quite innovative idea @Iseek. Thank you campus administrator for sharing


Hello Aseel!

Your idea is one of the best, I have read on this awesome platform. With your idea, the difficulties seen during shopping will be addressed. Congratulations.

Best of Luck!



Its true, the platform has been like a classroom, well said Aseel.
Best of luck!


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