#MEET LOS-Health

Published on: Aug 11, 2016
Entrepreneurship Campus

By Entrepreneurship Campus

#MEET  LOS-Health


#MEET  LOS-Health

This is a short interview we conducted with Besingi Manaseh Mokanya, the founder of “ LOS-Health”. If you like the concept of this idea and would like to vote for it, click HERE.


  • What is your background?

I am Besingi Manaseh Mokanya by name and the name of my project is LOS-Health, I am Cameroonian by nationality, 27 years old with a diplomat in software programming and Bachelor in Biochemistry. I am a full time software developer, I use my skills to build solution software to health improve community and world problems with Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

  • Describe your idea or project in two sentences.

My project is to help the community improve their health status, given them awareness of new diseases and how to combat them, bridging the barrier between medical practitioners (Doctors, Nurses, midwifes, laboratory technicians etc...) by creating a platform for interaction, pre-consultation, locating of medical practitioners and health centers (Hospitals, clinics, pharmacies etc...) at your nearest or immediate location. My project permits the population to also insure their health with health insurance companies, also pay health bills and take loan.

  • What are the benefits you take from the Entrepreneurship Campus?

Recognition of my project to the world, sponsorship and mentorship.

  • What motivates you to be an entrepreneur?

My community highly motivated me to become an entrepreneur because most people die in my community not from natural disasters but as a result of poor medical attention, getting access to medical practitioners, getting information from the world concerning combating diseases, cost of treatment and who can stand for them in time of sickness that is forth their bills for future payment, how their health can be insured. With the above mentioned points makes me to stand out as an entrepreneur.

  • Imagine you have ‚supreme power’ to create and innovate: how would your world look like? What changes would you like to make in your community and/or in the world? Share your thoughts from a ‚supreme power’ and entrepreneur standpoint.

With supreme power I will make sure health issues are target first, because your number one wealth is your health without good health condition you can excel in any other field in life. With my health platform in place I intend to give quality health services to my community, making them be aware at all point of time as diseases are upcoming not only that how to combat and get cheap medical services in our medical centers with 100% follow up and insurance.

  • What would you say to potential voters who may be reading your interview?

Their voters LOS-Health brings you your number one Wealth which is your Health without good health condition. You are nothing that is you can work nor do any other Activity, help us to improve quality health care in our community by voting for LOS-Health.

• NOTICE: If you want to see more submitted ideas and projects at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, visit BEST IDEAS and BEST PROJECTS and VOTE for the ones you think deserve to WIN the Competition!

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Comments (2)



From Los-health-“My community highly motivated me to become an entrepreneur because most people die in my community not from natural disasters but as a result of poor medical attention, getting access to medical practitioners, getting information from the world concerning combating diseases, cost of treatment and who can stand for them in time of sickness that is forth their bills for future payment, how their health can be insured. With the above mentioned points makes me to stand out as an entrepreneur”.

These beneficiary vioces are great method of evaluating the success of this competition. Campus members we can learn this methodology also.



Another good motivation to serve the community. I hope you are doing great work following the outbreak of COVID 19
My community highly motivated me to become an entrepreneur because most people die in my community not from natural disasters but as a result of poor medical attention, getting access to medical practitioners, getting information from the world concerning combating diseases, cost of treatment and who can stand for them in time of sickness that is forth their bills for future payment, how their health can be insured. With the above mentioned points makes me to stand out as an entrepreneur.


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