#MEET Tour Afrique

Published on: Aug 29, 2016
Entrepreneurship Campus

By Entrepreneurship Campus

#MEET Tour Afrique

Portrait of a boy with the map of the world painted on his face

#MEET Tour Afrique

This is a short interview we conducted with Musah Azumah Daniel, the founder of “Tour Afrique". If you like the concept of this idea and would like to vote for it, click HERE.

  • What is your background?

My name is Musah Azumah Daniel. I am a Ghanaian aged 23. I completed a BSc. Program in Actuarial Science . I am currently serving as a National service personnel to my country.The name of my project is "Tour Afrique"

  • Describe your idea or project in two sentences.

The project focuses on harnessing African Development through Tourism. It aims at presenting African tourism in globally defined standards and making it accessible to all.

  • What are the benefits you take from the Entrepreneurship Campus?

The benefits I take from the program is that it has made me meet new people all over the world with very bright ideas. I have been challenged by Entrepreneurship campus that not even the sky is the limit, but how far as possible we can set it.

  • What motivates you to be an entrepreneur?

My motivation is that I want to see the world a better place. I want my impact to be felt around the world as a mantra of positive change.

  • Imagine you have ‚supreme power’ to create and innovate: how would your world look like? What changes would you like to make in your community and/or in the world? Share your thoughts from a ‚supreme power’ and entrepreneur standpoint.

If I had extreme power to create, I will have made things as simplistic as possible. Like a complex mathematical equation, unless one takes it little by little that is making it simple, it almost becomes impossible to solve. So I desire simplicity of life . Also, I will also have the gap between the reach and poor reduced so that people can have equal opportunities.

  • What would you say to potential voters who may be reading your interview?

I believe in this idea and I believe you do too. If you believe in African development and seeing us make the best of nature not by destroying it , but harnessing nature, then I know I have your vote. Support me, support the vision. Support Africa. Thank you for your vote.

• NOTICE: If you want to see more submitted ideas and projects at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, visit BEST IDEAS and BEST PROJECTS and VOTE for the ones you think deserve to WIN the Competition!

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Comments (3)



Being a young person I am quite interested in creating the world, I desire to see and live. I believe that if all young persons have this mind, we will surely recreate the world because we are the future generation. If we recreate our world now, tomorrow will live in the world we desire and our children will see the world in a different perspective from what we are presently seeing and living.

@tour afrique, your idea of recreating the world is encouraging. “I will have made things as simplistic as possible. Like a complex mathematical equation, unless one takes it little by little that is making it simple, it almost becomes impossible to solve. So I desire simplicity of life . Also, I will also have the gap between the reach and poor reduced so that people can have equal opportunities”

I hope it is not just a wish but it is accompany with actions because it is actions that can create the world we so desire to live in.

Thank you campus administrator for including this item in your interview questions. It serves as my niche in this interviews.



A very wonderful motivation to be an entrepreneur. Thank you campus administrator for using voice of beneficiaries to continue to open our eyes to the great work youth citizens entrepreneurship competition is offering. I strongly believe that the best we can do as ambassadors of this great campus is to ensure we promote the image and make the competition more visible to the world.

I really appreciate this opportunity.



Really interesting and awesome. Keep it up. I too believe in this idea and seeing us make the best of nature not by destroying it.

Good luck
Shuhra Khoofi


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