#MEET Waste Disposal and Energy from Waste

Published on: Aug 26, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

By Entrepreneurship Campus

#MEET Waste Disposal and Energy from Waste

#MEET Waste Disposal and Energy from Waste

This is a short interview we conducted with Ibiaye Laurence, the creator of Waste Disposal and Energy from Waste. If you like this project and would like to vote for it, click here.

1. Please, tell us a bit about yourself: where are you from and what is your background?

I am from Rivers State, Nigeria (located in the South of Nigeria). I was born and raised in the city (called Port Harcourt) where I did all my schooling up to University level (undergraduate) although I have been able to visit some other states of the country for reasons connected with projects or just mere visit. I am the second of 3 children, a family of 5, and I would love to consider myself as being the most jovial and the darkest (in complexion) of all :)

2. Can you describe your idea or project in two sentences?

My project deals with awareness and taking action on proper waste disposal, moving up to segregation and then energy from wastes. It involves the collective effort of the public, investors, volunteers, the government and her environmental agencies to see this come to pass.

3. How did you get your idea or concept?

I got more decisive about my project when I was studying in the UK. I observed, learned, researched and critically analysed the dynamics and intricacy of waste disposal (causes, the behavioral relationship between human and the act of waste disposal, etc), The idea of Energy from waste (EfW) came when I visited an EfW site which was one of the 3 functioning efficient EfW sites in the entire UK. I thought: "Although we may not be able to easily achieve this, we can start small"...and the rest is the outcome of this project.

4. What is unique about your idea/project and how does it benefit mankind?

It is something reconstructive, "new", corrective, and at the same time with a lot of potentials for new findings that relate to reviewing human behavior in the light of inculcating best environmental practices for the benefit of mankind and his immediate surrounding. It borders on the social and environmental (technology inclusive) aspects of sustainable development, intending to create a paradigm shift in the minds of my locales and the country eventually, through unprecedented awareness styles and activities (tasks like the tree planting, campaigns, etc). This will then gradually lead to the appreciation of the aspect of Energy from the wastes they produce and segregate. Jobs will be created, volunteering spirit built and sustained, energy (electricity) will be derived and maintained, health and well-being will improve, climate change will be affected positively, land degradation and air/water pollution discouraged and sanitation and 'Greening" encouraged.

5. Describe yourself as an entrepreneur in one sentence

Nifty, diplomatic, go-getter.

6. How do you deal with people that doubt your abilities/initiatives?

About my initiatives, I try to make them see how unselfish the initiative is, and if that does not help, I prove it to them with my results. Not everyone would love to believe or join the process, some just need to see results and you show them.

I think this goes the same way for my abilities. I try not speak or discuss what I know I may not achieve. If I doubt myself, I could easily give in to the doubts from others.

7. Where does your passion lie?

Service to divinity and humanity.

 8. What are you afraid of or what keeps you up at night?

Not succeeding, not making impacts.

9. According to you, money is a synonym for.....


10. If you could rid the world of three things, what would they be?

  1. Negativity
  2. Bad leaders
  3. Greed

11. What are the benefits you take from the Entrepreneurship Campus?

The Campus has been a platform that connects me with other great positive thinkers, go-getters, innovators and entrepreneurs of different ages and backgrounds. After reading some ideas/projects, I could not be more convinced that our generation has some of the solutions to the world's greatest problems. The rest part of the change lies in "who leads this generation of smart ideas?". Also, the campus has helped expand my own project future plans and give me some more areas to research about. My knowledge base and vision premise have had a significant leap since I joined the community.

12. What do you like more about the Entrepreneurship Campus?

It is interactive, challenging and encouraging.

13. Which idea/project do you like most?

Waste Business Hub

NOTICE: If you want to see more submitted ideas and projects at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, visit BEST IDEAS and BEST PROJECTS and VOTE for the ones you think deserve to WIN the Competition!

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Comments (5)



Your opinion on what you like about the YCEC@Waste disposal and energy from waste is impressive. Being a young person I am quite interested in creating the world, I desire to see and live. I believe that if all young persons have this mind, we will surely recreate the world because we are the future generation. If we recreate our world now, tomorrow will live in the world we desire and our children will see the world in a different perspective from what we are presently seeing and living.
“You may live in the world as it is, but you can still work to create the world as it should be” Michelle Obama

I hope it is not just a wish but it is accompanying with actions because it is actions that can create the world we so desire to live in.

Thank you campus administrator for including this item in your interview questions.



Great idea @waste disposal…… Thank you campus administrator for sharing this interview for campus members to learn and possible apply in our various localities



Hello Campus members
Snail moves very slow but leaves some Marks for every one to see, so we all know that snails do move, this is kind of encouragement yet the fact that regardless of your speed, keep moving, they will all say he/she was here even after several generations to come. Decide to get out of fear of what others do fail,your destine is never tied to anybody failed nor to your past failure so keep moving until you leave remarkable contribution towards Worlds challege solving and ofcause Ibiaye Laurence is doing that,I hope we are together in this journey sharing all our strength and experience to Support one another.
Best of luck!
Uledi Kimbavala.
“Zero hunger is possible”



Hello Laurence
Its very interesting idea from waste to affordable energy, that is real innovation.
Best of luck!


Great Mind, Ibiaye Laurence!
Your project on energy generation from wastes is a great one.
Keep pursuing your dream of a better tomorrow.
Like you said, ‘One thing is for Great Minds to generate ideas, another thing is he who will leads this generation of smart ideas’.

Best of Luck!


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