Never walk backwards... a life lesson from Abraham Lincoln

Published on: Aug 25, 2016
Entrepreneurship Campus

By Entrepreneurship Campus

Never walk backwards... a life lesson from Abraham Lincoln

Despite business failure, great personal loss, rejection, political defeat, tremendous emotional stress, family crises and severe financial difficulties, Abraham Lincoln ascended to the highest position in this country: President of the United States. From log cabin to White House, from poverty to the presidency, Lincoln faced many obstacles, political and private, but overcame them by faith and the determination to never give up.
Lincoln has long been remembered for his endurance in the face of adversity. President Roosevelt once said that Lincoln's life "preeminently and distinctly embod[ied] all that is most American in the American character ... not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life."
Consider the numerous political and personal challenges he confronted:
• ran for the legislature in Illinois and was defeated
• entered business with a partner, and when it failed was left with debts that he spent the next 17 years paying off
• fell in love with a young lady, became engaged to her, and then she died
• proposed marriage to another young lady and was turned down
• ran for Congress and was defeated
• attempted to get an appointment to the U.S. Land Office but failed
• became a candidate for the U.S. Senate but was defeated
• became a candidate for the vice presidency and was defeated
defeated by Douglas
• suffered the loss of two young sons -- Eddie, 3, and Willie, 12. Willie's death caused severe emotional devastation upon the Lincolns, a loss from which Mrs. Lincoln was said never to have recovered.
• throughout his life was employed in numerous job positions, including: railsplitter, boatman, manual laborer, store clerk, soldier, store owner, election clerk, postmaster, surveyor, state legislator, lawyer, Congressman, and President of the United State.

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Comments (3)



“I walk slowly but never walks back” This is indeed a great lesson Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Campus competiton for this motivation



Wao!. entrepreneurship is not as easy as we think but from Abraham lincoln experience “Consider the numerous political and personal challenges he confronted:

• ran for the legislature in Illinois and was defeated
• entered business with a partner, and when it failed was left with debts that he spent the next 17 years paying off
• fell in love with a young lady, became engaged to her, and then she died
• proposed marriage to another young lady and was turned down
• ran for Congress and was defeated
• attempted to get an appointment to the U.S. Land Office but failed
• became a candidate for the U.S. Senate but was defeated
• became a candidate for the vice presidency and was defeated
defeated by Douglas
• suffered the loss of two young sons — Eddie, 3, and Willie, 12. Willie’s death caused severe emotional devastation upon the Lincolns, a loss from which Mrs. Lincoln was said never to have recovered.
• throughout his life was employed in numerous job positions, including: railsplitter, boatman, manual laborer, store clerk, soldier, store owner, election clerk, postmaster, surveyor, state legislator, lawyer, Congressman, and President of the United State”

We need to be determined, focus, fight and win at last. Campus members this article is powerful please create time to read. It is a motivator


Abraham Lincoln is one of the world personalities I admire. He was a man of endurance, perseverance, foreberance, courage and patience. Despite business failures and political defeats he never gave up. He saw beyond the failures and defeats. He saw beyond the positions he occupies as a boatman, railsplitter, laborer, store clerk, store owner and post master. What he saw was the top: the presidency. He held on and never went back.


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