What Issues to Tackle in Order to Address SDG 3?

Published on: May 4, 2018
Entrepreneurship Campus

By Entrepreneurship Campus

What Issues to Tackle in Order to Address SDG 3?

Sustainable Development Goal 3

There are a few things that money can never buy, love, time, peace, knowledge, and health. For most of us, good health is one of the things that really matter. If we feel we can, we must help to improve the wellbeing of other people too. This and much more are what the Sustainable Development Goal 3 targets.
SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Individuals and societies along with their governments have to take action in order to tackle health issues.
According to the World Health Organization, there is a list of health-related targets that need to be addressed in order to make progress in all health fronts and achieve SDG 3 before 2030.

Maternal mortality

Target: less than 70 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births by 2030

Newborn and child mortality

Target: reduce neonatal mortality as low as 12 per 1,000 live births, reduce under-5 mortality as low as 25 per 1,000 live births by 2030

Communicable diseases

Target: end malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis, water-borne diseases, tropical and other diseases by 2030

Noncommunicable diseases and mental health

Target: reduce by one-third premature mortality by non-communicable diseases

Substance abuse

Target: prevention and treatment of substance abuse

Road traffic injuries

Target: halve the number of global death and injuries from road traffic accidents

Sexual and reproductive health

Target: ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive healthcare by 2030

Universal health coverage

Target: achieve universal health coverage

Mortality from environmental pollution

Target: reduce the number of death and illness from hazardous chemicals as well as air, water, and soil contamination

Tobacco control

Target: Strengthen the implementation of WHO’s framework on tobacco in all countries

Health workforce

Target: increase health financing and recruitment

National and global health risks

Target: strengthen capacity at global level on early warning, risk reduction, and management of health risks

Social initiatives and especially social enterprises can have a key role in meeting all the SDGs. Entrepreneurship is a promising approach that helps to succeed in solving social problems that governments and international organizations failed to address. The reasons are simple. Social entrepreneurs apply business strategies and cost-effective solutions. The lack of resources forces them to innovate based on what they already know and have. One of the most important features of social enterprises is that they are able to sustain themselves.

The Entrepreneurship Campus has created a global community of young aspiring social entrepreneurs where they exchange experiences and gain more entrepreneurial skills thanks to the free training courses. All their passion and efforts are reflected in the ideas and projects that are submitted every day at the 2018 edition of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition.
Join the competition if you want to help people around you and meet the SDGs by 2030.

Photo Credit: commons Wikimedia

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Comments (8)



All these issues are quite important for the achievement of health and well being. I encourage campus members to see how they can develop ideas around any of these issues.

Thank you campus administrator for sharing.



Good health and well-being my peak SDG. Yes while every other SDGs is equally important, I see health and well-being as a nitche. Why? It is only healthy people that can strive to achieve the rest of other SDGs. Even food or zero hunger, a sick person will not be able to eat in most cases even if there are hungry. If this article was written in 2020, I think pandemics as it is today will have been included in those health challenges young persons need to target in social entrepreneurship that is why my idea targets poreventing further pandemics because, in my entire life, I have not seen this kind of situation that has put the entire world to a halt without resoect to kings and queens, developed and less developed, rich and poor all are affected the same way. Humans need to find ways to prevent further pandemics. That is the brain behind my idea.



Off all issues, most paramount to be tackled is illiteracy and poverty. if sustainable development is to be managed, providing an enabling and productive environment for the populace is one thing, the mindset of the people also needs to be holistically oriented to manage and use these provisions efficiently



It’s the one thing we all take for granted until we feel unwell: our health. The world has made incredible advances in medicine, but far too many people don’t have access to even basic healthcare.

Preventable diseases like malaria, TB, and HIV AIDS still claim millions of lives every year, and the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa shows how weak many countries’ health systems are. The good news is that investment in health makes a huge difference, and life-changing progress is already happening. We’ve cut child deaths in half, HIV infections are down by more than 40%, and more than 6 million malaria deaths have been prevented.

We need to speed this progress up by training more health workers and making sure they have the medicines and supplies they need. Then we really could see a world where diseases are stopped in their tracks and everyone can get treatment when they need it.



Health issues are among the most important issues facing the society and with the development of technology it is possible to find intelligent solutions to these issues. In my project(cardio vision) I chose the blind category and created a solution that helps them to practice their activities easily

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