Where do Entrepreneurs Find Motivation?

Published on: Mar 24, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

By Entrepreneurship Campus

Where do Entrepreneurs Find Motivation?

You know the feeling. When you have a good idea, you go from “omg this is going to change the world” to “This is crazy, what am I thinking?” No matter what thought crosses your mind, remember that good and bad emotions have a major impact. In many cases the excitement of daring the impossible has the same effect as the fear of not taking any risk. These are two feelings that can keep you up all the night till you take action. Like Kierkegaard said: Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.
Entrepreneurs know that success depends both on their actions or inactions. They also know that in major number of cases fear is imagined. Therefore, they know the dosage that helps to move out of stagnancy, because they're not extraterrestrials. They're people like you and me who have their doubts and want to achieve a goal. But what what keeps them pushing through the path to success?
Money and financial stability
This is the first but not the most important reason' yet it motivates all. Money provides a kind of freedom and financial safety and sometimes it goes as fast as it comes.
Less material reasons
A lot of business owners find motivation in the way how other people such as their employees or the community may benefit from their success. The fulfillment of a lifelong dream, satisfied customers or giving back to the community are other factors that motivate numerous entrepreneurs.
Lord Byron said that fame is the thirst of youth. However, not everything that famous people do is admirable. Fame can be a trap and just like money, it can fail. Don't fall for it.
The thrill of solving a problem. Some people solve difficult math equations, not me, and others, maybe you, try to solve problems like starvation, illiteracy, dirty water, poverty. All depends on their idea and the country where they live. What about you? What's the major problem in that part of the world where you live and what motivates you to stand by your idea?

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Comments (3)



Wonderful article. While money is definetly important espercially for us in the Africa continent and tjhe rest of the third world countries,

“Less material reasons
A lot of business owners find motivation in the way how other people such as their employees or the community may benefit from their success. The fulfillment of a lifelong dream, satisfied customers or giving back to the community are other factors that motivate numerous entrepreneurs”

This is definitely my greatest desire. To impact on others life, That is what Eduheal is all about and that is the principles my mother have embedded in me” We rise by lifting others” such that even while in a competition, I have to lift others with my votes and comments. Others may not do it for me, despite my request for their support. For me is ok, I will do my best. that is where I have satisfaction and yes because we all have different perspectives and princilpes in life.

Thank you campus administrator for giving the opportunity to reflect on my life goals through this article.



OMG what a lesson. “No matter what thought crosses your mind, remember that good and bad emotions have a major impact. In many cases the excitement of daring the impossible has the same effect as the fear of not taking any risk. These are two feelings that can keep you up all the night till you take action. Like Kierkegaard said: Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.
Entrepreneurs know that success depends both on their actions or inactions. They also know that in major number of cases fear is imagined. Therefore, they know the dosage that helps to move out of stagnancy, because they’re not extraterrestrials. They’re people like you and me who have their doubts and want to achieve a goal. But what what keeps them pushing through the path to success?
Money and financial stability
This is the first but not the most important reason’ yet it motivates all. Money provides a kind of freedom and financial safety and sometimes it goes as fast as it comes.
Less material reasons
A lot of business owners find motivation in the way how other people such as their employees or the community may benefit from their success. The fulfillment of a lifelong dream, satisfied customers or giving back to the community are other factors that motivate numerous entrepreneurs.
Lord Byron said that fame is the thirst of youth. However, not everything that famous people do is admirable. Fame can be a trap and just like money, it can fail. Don’t fall for it.
The thrill of solving a problem. Some people solve difficult math equations, not me, and others, maybe you, try to solve problems like starvation, illiteracy, dirty water, poverty. All depends on their idea and the country where they live. What about you? What’s the major problem in that part of the world where you live and what motivates you to stand by your idea?”

This is powerful. Thank you campus competion for this opportunity to learn from this article



Really interesting and awesome.


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