

This page is intended for anyone who wants to learn more about entrepreneurship: to read, listen to and watch. Entrepreneurship has become more accessible nowadays, even if starting your own business is like running a marathon: it is exhausting, demanding and sometimes you reach your limits. But it is often worthwhile to take a self-determined economic path. Here you can find personal founder stories, texts by Prof. Faltin and further working materials.


A large number of institutions worldwide are involved in the field of entrepreneurship. They research, endow, network and offer support of all kinds. A look into the world of these organizations is worthwhile. We have taken the trouble to link some journals and many institutions here.

Link collection


Academy of Entrepreneurship Journals

Academy of Management Review

Asian Venture Capital Journal

Australian Venture Capital Journal

Babson: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Economics, Innovation and New Technology

Entrepreneurial Executive

Entrepreneur Magazine

Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies

Enterprise Development and Microfinance

Entrepreneurship and Regional Development

Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice Journal

Explorations in Entrepreneurial History

Family Business Review

Family in Business

Fast Company Magazine

Forbes ASAP Magazine

Inc. Magazine

Industry and Higher Education

Industry and Innovation

Internationales Gewerbearchiv

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research

International Journal of Entrepreneurship

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

International Small Business Journal

[email protected] Magazine

Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship

Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship

Journal of Business Strategies

Journal of Business Venturing

Journal of Creative Behavior

Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship (JDE)

Journal of Enterprising Culture

Journal of Evolutionary Economics

Journal of Extension

Journal of Industry Studies

Journal of International Entrepreneurship

Journal of Private Enterprise

Journal of Private Equity

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Journal of Technology Transfer

New England Journal of Entrepreneurship

The Nonprofit Quarterly

Red Herring: The Business of Technology

The Review of Austrian Economics

Small Enterprise Research

Stanford Social Innovation Review

Strategic Management Journal

Success Magazine

Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance

The Wall Street Journal

Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship


For those who love reading: we have compiled an extensive list of reading materials that deal with the complex topic of entrepreneurship in the broadest sense.


Handbook Entrepreneurship

This handbook is the first to bring together the conceptual aspects of entrepreneurship in a single work. The contributions of proven experts provide an overview of forms and instruments of entrepreneurship, current developments in entrepreneurship research as well as roles and tasks of the founder with special consideration of the socio-political aspects of entrepreneurship. Supplemented by practical examples, the work provides students and academics with a comprehensive overview of the state of the art as well as founders with concrete instructions for practice.

General Reference

Literature Review Entrepreneurship

Abrahamson, Shaun; Ryder, Peter; Unterberg, Bastian: Crowdstorm. Hoboken 2013

Adams, James Truslow: The Epic of America. Boston 1931

Alt, Franz; Gollmann, Rosi; Neudeck, Rupert: Eine bessere Welt ist möglich. München 2007

Alt, Franz; Spiegel, Peter: Gute Geschäfte. Berlin 2009

Aristoteles: Politik. München 1998

Asghari, Reza (Hg.): E-Government in der Praxis. Leitfaden für Politik und Verwaltung.Frankfurt am Main 2005

Baums, Georg (Hg.): Zu den Piraten statt zur Marine. Frankfurt am Main 2011

Beigbeder, Frédéric: Neununddreißigneunzig. Reinbeck 2001

Bergmann, Frithjof: Neue Arbeit, neue Kultur. Freiamt im Schwarzwald 2004

Birkenbach, Katja: Form follows Function als ein Gestaltungsprinzip für das Geschäftsmodell

eines Entrepreneurs. Dissertation, Manuskript, Berlin 2007

Bertelsmann Stiftung: Vom ehrbaren Handwerker zum innovativen Self-Entrepreneur. Modernisierungder Berufsbildung anhand idealtypischer Leitfiguren. Gütersloh 2008

Bessau, Hubertus; Kraiss, Philipp; Wittrock, Max: Machen! Das Startup-Buch der mymuesli-Gründer. Hamburg 2017

Blanc, Patrick: Vertikale Gärten. Die Natur in der Stadt. Stuttgart 2008

Bode, Thilo: Abgespeist. Frankfurt am Main 2007

Boorman, Neil: Good bye, Logo. Düsseldorf 2007

Bosshart, David: The Age of Less. Hamburg 2011

Branson, Richard: Business ist wie Rock ’n’ Roll. Die Autobiographie des Virgin-Gründers. Frankfurt am Main 1999

Branson, Richard: Screw Business As Usual. London 2011

Braukmann, Ulrich: »Entrepreneurship Education an Hochschulen – Der Wuppertaler Ansatz einer wirtschaftspädagogisch fundierten Förderung der Unternehmensgründung aus Hochschulen«, in: Weber, Birgit (Hg.): Kultur der Selbständigkeit in der Lehrerausbildung. Bergisch Gladbach 2002

Cameron, Julia: Der Weg des Künstlers. München 1996

Cendon, Eva; Grassl, Roswitha; Pellert, Ada (Hg.): Vom Lehren zum Lebenslangen Lernen. Münster 2013

Conta Gromberg, Brigitte; Conta Gromberg, Ehrenfried: Smart Business Concepts. Jesteburg 2012

Conta Gromberg, Ehrenfried: Solopreneur. Jesteburg 2015

Cordes, Walter (Hg.): Eugen Schmalenbach: Der Mann – sein Werk – die Wirkung. Stuttgart 1984

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly: Flow. Das Geheimnis des Glücks. Stuttgart 1991

Dahrendorf, Ralf: »Theorie und Praxis«, in: Mäding, Heinrich; Dahrendorf, Ralf (Hg.): Grenzen der Sozialwissenschaften. Konstanz 1988

Dalai Lama; Cutler, Howard C.: The Art of Happiness. London 1998

Drucker, Peter F.: Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Practice and Principles. New York 1985

Drucker, Peter F.: Next Management. Göttingen 2010

Endres, Peter M.; Hüther, Gerald: Lernlust. Worauf es im Leben wirklich ankommt. Hamburg 2014

Enzenhofer, Sigrid: Sagen und Legenden aus Hardegg. Hardegg 1968

Faltin, Günter: »Competencies for Innovative Entrepreneurship«, in: Adult Learning and the Future of Work. UNESCO Institute for Education, Hamburg 1999

Faltin, Günter: »Creating a Culture of Innovative Entrepreneurship«, in: Journal of International Business and Economy. Vol. 2, No. 1, 2001, S. 123–140

Faltin, Günter: Kopf schlägt Kapital. München 2008 und 2012

Faltin, Günter; Fleischmann, Fritz: »Teekampagne. Citizen Entrepreneurship«. In: Earth Capitalism. Creating a New Civilization through a Responsible Market Economy. Tokio 2009

Faltin, Günter: Wir sind das Kapital. Hamburg 2015

Faltin, Günter (Hg.): Handbuch Entrepreneurship. Wiesbaden 2018

Faschingbauer, Michael: Effectuation. Wie erfolgreiche Unternehmer denken, entscheiden und handeln. Stuttgart 2013

Felber, Christian: Die Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie – Das Wirtschaftsmodell der Zukunft. Wien 2010

Fittkau, Bernd; Weber, Matthias: Die weichen Faktoren der Führung II. Team-Entwicklung und Eigen-Entwicklung. Neuried 2009

Fleischmann, Fritz: What is Entrepreneurial Thinking. In: Handbuch Entrepreneurship. Wiesbaden 2018

Friebe, Holm: Die Stein-Strategie. Von der Kunst, nicht zu handeln. München 2013

Friebe, Holm; Ramge, Thomas: Marke Eigenbau. Frankfurt am Main 2008

Fried, Jason; Heinemeier Hansson, David: Rework. London 2010

Fromm, Erich: Haben oder Sein. München 2010

Fücks, Ralf: Intelligent Wachsen. Die grüne Revolution. München 2013

Fueglistaller, Urs et al.: Entrepreneurship. Modelle – Umsetzung – Perspektiven. Wiesbaden 2012

Fürstenberg, Jeannette zu: Die Wechselwirkung zwischen Entrepreneurship und Kunst. Eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung zu unternehmerischer und künstlerischer Innovation in der Renaissance und am Beispiel der Medici. Berlin 2012

Gaarder, Jostein: Sofies Welt. München 1993

Gassmann, Oliver; Frankenberger, Karolin; Csik, Michaela: Geschäftsmodelle entwickeln. München 2013

Gassmann, Oliver; Sutter, Philipp: Praxiswissen Innovationsmanagement. Von der Idee zum Markterfolg. München 2013

Gebhardt, Andreas: Generative Fertigungsverfahren. Additive Manufacturing und 3D-Drucken für Prototyping – Tooling – Produktion. München 2013

Gelb, Michael J.: Das Leonardo-Prinzip. Berlin 2004

Giesa, Christoph; Schiller Clausen, Lena: New Business Order. München 2014

Gigerenzer, Gerd: Risiko. München 2013

Gladwell, Malcolm: Outliers. London 2008

Gladwell, Malcolm: David und Goliath. Die Kunst, das Übermächtige zu bezwingen. Frankfurt am Main 2013

Grichnik, Dietmar; Gassmann, Oliver: Das unternehmerische Unternehmen. Revitalisieren und Gestalten der Zukunft mit Effectuation. Wiesbaden 2013

Grichnik, Dietmar; Witt, Peter (Hg.): »Entrepreneurial Marketing«, in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 2011, Heft Nr. 6, Special Issue, S. 136

Grichnik, Dietmar et al.: Entrepreneurship. Unternehmerisches Denken, Entscheiden und Handeln in innovativen und technologieorientierten Unternehmungen. Stuttgart 2010

Grichnik, Dietmar et al.: Startup Navigator. Das Handbuch. Frankfurt 2018

Gryskiewicz, Stanley: Positive Turbulence. Developing Climates for Creativity, Innovation and Renewal. Greensboro, N. C., 2006

Gürtler, Detlef: Wir sind Elite. Das Bildungswunder. Gütersloh 2009

Heinecke, A.: Why not Doing Good and Earning Well. Social Entrepreneurs in a Moral Conflict. SID Directors Conference, Singapore 2012

Hippel, Eric von: Democratizing Innovation. Cambridge 2006

Hofert, Svenja: Das Slow-Grow-Prinzip. Offenbach 2011

Horx, Matthias: Das Buch des Wandels. Wie Menschen Zukunft gestalten. München 2011

Horx, Matthias: Wie wir leben werden. Frankfurt am Main 2005

Huhn, Gerhard; Backerra, Hendrik: Selbstmotivation. FLOW – Statt Stress oder Langeweile. München 2008

Hüther, Gerald: Was wir sind und was wir sein könnten. Ein neurobiologischer Mutmacher. Frankfurt am Main 2011

Hüther, Gerald; Spannbauer, Christa: Connectedness. Bern 2012

Initiative für Teaching Entrepreneurship; Lindner, Johannes; Fröhlich, Gerald (Hg.): Entrepreneur: Starte Dein Projekt. Wien 2014

Jacobsen, Liv Kirsten: Bestimmungsfaktoren für Erfolg im Entrepreneurship – Entwicklung eines umfassenden Modells. Dissertation, Berlin 2003

Jánszky, Sven Gábor; Jenzowsky, Stefan A: Rulebreaker. Wie Menschen denken, deren Ideen die Welt verändern. Berlin 2010

Johansson, Frans: The Medici-Effect. Breakthrough insights at the intersection of ideas, concepts and cultures. Boston 2004

Jungk, Robert: Zukunft zwischen Angst und Hoffnung. München 1990

Kaduk, Stefan et al.: Musterbrecher. Die Kunst, das Spiel zu drehen. Hamburg 2013

Kawasaki, Guy: The Art of the Start. München 2014

Kawasaki, Guy: The Art of the Start. München 2013

Khan, Ali Raza; Jakel, Thomas: YES! Youth-led Changemaking. Yes Founders Foundation, Berlin 2017

Klandt, Heinz: Gründungsmanagement: Der Integrierte Unternehmensplan. Business Plan als zentrales Instrument für die Gründungsplanung. München 2005

Klein, Naomi: No Logo, Toronto 2000

Kollmann, Tobias: E-Business. Grundlagen elektronischer Geschäftsprozesse in der Net Economy. Wiesbaden 2013

Kramer, Matthias; Schwarzinger, Dominik: Narzissmus, Machtstreben und Co. Münster 2011

Kreiß, Christian: Werbung – nein danke. München 2016

Kugel, Rafael: Lean Entrepreneurship – einfach gründen. Berlin 2018

Küstenmacher, Werner Tiki: Simplify your Life. Frankfurt am Main 2001

Lahn, Stefanie: Der Businessplan in Theorie und Praxis. Wiesbaden 2015

Langenscheidt, Florian: Vom Glück des Gründens. Stuttgart 2013

Lindner, Johannes; Fröhlich, Gerald; IFTE (Hg.): Entrepreneur. Sustainability meets Entrepreneurship. Wien 2009

Lindner, Johannes; Tötterström, Beate: Case Studies: Wirtschaft verstehen – Zukunft gestalten. Wien 2009

Löbler, Helge: Diversifikation und Unternehmenserfolg. Diversifikationserfolge und -risiken bei unterschiedlichen Marktstrukturen und Wettbewerb. Wiesbaden 1987

Lutz, Andreas; Schuch, Monika: Existenzgründung. Was Sie wirklich wissen müssen. Wien 2018

Manstetten, Rainer: »Die Einheit und Unvereinbarkeit von Ökologie und Ökonomie«, in: GAlA 4 (1995) No. 1, S. 41

Matussek, Paul: Kreativität als Chance. München 1988

Maurya, Ash: Running Lean. Sewastopol 2012

May, Matthew E.: The Laws of Subtraction. New York 2012

McGrath, R. G.; MacMillan, I.: »Discovery-Driven Planning«. Reprint Harvard Business Review, 2007

Meibom, Barbara von: Wertschätzung. Wege zum Frieden mit der inneren und äußeren Natur. München 2006

Misner, Ivan: Givers Gain. Upland 2004

Morandi, Pietro; Liebig, Brigitte: Freischaffen und Freelancen in der Schweiz. Handbuch für Medien, IT und Kunst/Kultur. Zürich 2010

Nager, Marc; Nelsen, Clint; Nouyrigat, Franck: Startup Weekend. Hoboken 2012

Noll, Bernd: Grundriss der Wirtschaftsethik. Stuttgart 2010

Osterwalder, Alexander; Pigneur, Yves: The Business Model Generation. Frankfurt am Main 2011

Otte, Max: Der Crash kommt. Berlin 2006

Passig, Kathrin: Standardsituationen der Technologiekritik. Berlin 2013

Pauli, Gunter: The Blue Economy. Berlin 2012

Piketty, Thomas: Das Kapital im 21. Jahrhundert. München 2014

Plötz, Felix: Das 4-Stunden-Startup. München 2016

Pott, Oliver; Pott, André: Entrepreneurship. Berlin, Heidelberg 2012

Prahalad, C. K.: Der Reichtum der Dritten Welt. München 2006

Prahalad, C. K.; Mashelkar, R. A.: »Innovation’s Holy Grail«, in: Harvard Business Review, July 2010

Precht, Richard David: Jäger, Hirten, Kritiker. Eine Utopie für die digitale Gesellschaft. München 2018

Rammler, Stephan: Schubumkehr – Die Mobilität von morgen. Frankfurt am Main 2014

Rasfeld, Margret; Breidenbach, Stephan: Schule im Aufbruch. Eine Anstiftung. München 2014

Rasfeld, Margret; Spiegel, Peter: EduAction. Wir machen Schule. Hamburg 2012

Raworth, Kate: Die Donut-Ökonomie. München 2018

Renk, Erik: Das Feierabend-Startup. München 2017

Reitmeyer, Dieter: Unternimm Dein Leben. München 2008

Ridderstråle, Jonas; Nordström, Kjell A.: Funky Business. Wie kluge Köpfe das Kapital zum Tanzen bringen. München 2000

Ries, Eric: The Lean Startup. New York 2011

Rifkin, Jeremy: Die Null-Grenzkosten-Gesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main, New York 2014

Ripsas, Sven: Business Model Accounting in Startups. Unveröffentlichtes Manuskript, 2014

Ripsas, Sven; Schaper, Birte; Tröger, Steffen: »A Startup Cockpit for the Proof of Concept«, in: Faltin, Günter (Hg.): Handbuch Entrepreneurship, Wiesbaden 2018

Ripsas, Sven; Zumholz, Holger: »Die Bedeutung von Business-Plänen in der Nachgründungsphase «, in: Corporate Finance biz 7/2011

Roddick, Anita: Body and Soul, New York 1991

Rosa, Hartmut: »Beschleunigung und Entfremdung«, in Spiegel Online vom 03.07.2013

Sachs, Wolfgang: »Die vier E’s: Merkposten für einen maß-vollen Wirtschaftsstil«, in: Politische Ökologie, Nr. 33, 1993, S. 69–72

Sailer, Klaus; Gottwald, Klaus-Theo: Fair Business. Wie Social Entrepreneurs die Zukunft gestalten. Regensburg 2013

Sarasvathy, S.: Effectuation. Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise. Cheltenham 2008

Scharmer, Otto C.; Käufer, Katrin: Von der Zukunft her führen. Theorie U in der Praxis. Heidelberg 2014

Scheidewind, Uwe; Santarius, Tilman; Humburg, Anja: Economy of Sufficiency. Wuppertal 2013

Schirmer, Heike: Combined Forces for Social Impact. Berlin 2013

Schreyögg, Georg: Organisation. Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung. Wiesbaden 2010

Schumpeter, Joseph: Kapitalismus, Sozialismus und Demokratie. Bern 1946

Sedláček, Tomáš: Die Ökonomie von Gut und Böse. München 2012

Sen, Amartya: On Ethics and Economics. Oxford 1999

Senge, Peter M.: The Fifth Discipline. London 1999

Shekerjian, Denise: Uncommon Genius. New York 1991

Simon, Hermann: Hidden Champions des 21. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt am Main 2007

Singer, Tania; Ricard, Matthieu: Caring Economics. Picador 2015

Soto, Hernando de: The Other Path. The Invisible Revolution in the Third World. New York 1989

Stähler, Patrick: Geschäftsmodelle in der digitalen Ökonomie. Lohmar 2002

Stähler, Patrick: Das Richtige gründen. Hamburg 2017

Sydow, Jörg: Strategische Netzwerke. Evolution und Organisation. Wiesbaden 2013

Szyperski, Norbert; Nathusius, Klaus: Probleme der Unternehmungsgründung. Eine betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse unternehmerischer Startbedingungen. Lohmar 1999

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas: Der Schwarze Schwan. Die Macht höchst unwahrscheinlicher Ereignisse. München 2008.

Thelen, Frank: Startup-DNA. Hinfallen, aufstehen, die Welt verändern. Hamburg 2018

Thiel, Peter: Zero to One. Notes on Start-ups or How to Build the Future. New York 2014

Vargas, Fred: Fliehe weit und schnell. Wien 2008

Wagenhofer, Erwin: Let’s make money. Film. Österreich 2008

Wagner, Dieter; Scholz Christian: Finanzierung technologieorientierter Unternehmensgründungen in Deutschland. Lohmar 2011

Warmer, Christoph; Sören, Weber: Mission: Startup. Heidelberg 2014

Weber, Winfried W.: Peter Drucker. Der Mann, der das Management geprägt hat. Göttingen 2009

Wehler, Hans-Ulrich: Die neue Umverteilung. München 2013

Weizsäcker, Ernst Ulrich von; Wijkman, Anders u. a.: Wir sind dran. Was wir ändern müssen, wenn wir bleiben wollen. Eine neue Aufklärung für eine volle Welt. Gütersloh 2017

Yang, Qiuning: The Development of Entrepreneurship in China. Saarbrücken 2012

Yunus, Muhammad: Building Social Business. The New Kind of Capitalism that Serves Humanity’s Most Pressing Needs. New York 2011

Yunus, Muhammad: Ein anderer Kapitalismus ist machbar. Gütersloh 2018

Zimmer, Jürgen: Das halb beherrschte Chaos. Weimar, Berlin 2012


These selected texts on entrepreneurship are suitable for new food for thought, discussions with friends and colleagues, or even an evening with red wine on the couch.

Literature suggestions

Brains versus Capital - Entrepreneurship For Everyone: Lean, Smart, Simple

by Prof. Günter Faltin

Working out an idea and putting together one's own company from existing components that are accessible to everyone. Keeping the head clear for the important questions. Keeping an eye on the horizon instead of getting lost in the everyday demands. Just a nice dream? Not at all. In fact, anyone who wants to found a successful company today must do so. Günter Faltin uses many examples to show how anyone can work on their own ideas in a very practical way, combine them like a puzzle and create something new from them - their own company. The more unconventional one thinks, the better!

Bookkeeping and accounting? A founder should leave it to those who can do it quickly, reliably and at low prices. Shipping, packaging and logistics? There are professionals for that, too. Günter Faltin has been teaching his method for many years - and has been very successful with it: the "Teekampagne" company he founded works according to this model: it has more than 180,000 customers, is the largest tea mail-order company in Germany and the largest importer of Darjeeling tea in the world. A whole series of other companies that emerged in the university professor's environment are successfully applying his principles. It is an opportunity for people with ideas, who are committed, who want to improve things.

What we are and what we could be: A neurobiological encouragement

What we are and what we could be: A neurobiological encouragement
by Prof. Gerald Hüther is only available in German.

Become what you can! How to become an unusual entrepreneur.

Become what you can! How to become an unusual entrepreneur.
by Kerstin Gernig is only available in German.

Starting the right thing. Toolbox for entrepreneurs.

Starting the right thing. Toolbox for entrepreneurs.
by Patrick Stähler is only available in German.

Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial thinking, decision-making and action in innovative and technology-oriented companies.

Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial thinking, decision-making and action in innovative and technology-oriented companies.
by Dietmar Grichnik is only available in German.

How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

by Ken Robinson

The element is the point at which natural talent meets personal passion. This groundbreaking new book is all about how every one of us can find our element, connecting with our true talents and fulfilling our creative potential. Creativity expert Ken Robinson believes that we are all born with tremendous natural capacities, but that we lose touch with them as we spend more time in the world. Whether it’s a child bored in class, an employee being misused or just someone who feels frustrated but can’t quite explain why, too many people don’t know what they are really capable of achieving.

Education, business and society as a whole are losing out. The Element draws on the stories of a wide range of people – from ex-Beatle Paul McCartney to renowned physicist Richard Feynman and many others, including business leaders and athletes – showing how all of them came to recognize their unique talents and were able to make a successful living doing what they love. With a wry sense of humour and a sense of optimism, Ken Robinson looks at the conditions that enable us to find ourselves in the element, and those that stifle that possibility. He shows that age and occupation are no barrier and he argues that there is an urgent need to enhance creativity and innovation by thinking differently about ourselves.

David versus Goliath - We can do economics better

David versus Goliath - We can do economics better
 by Prof. Günter Faltin is only available in German.


ARD Radio "Twelve Twenty-Two": Prof. Günter Faltin interviewed by Sabina Matthay on the topic of "Start-ups - Heroes of a Smarter Economy?" June (2019)

Only available in German.

LifeVERDE Podcast: Marcus Noack interviewed by Prof. Faltin (2019)

Only available in German.

Deutschlandradio interview with Prof. Faltin (2015)

Only available in German.

Prof. Günter Faltin – David versus Goliath

Prof. Günter Faltin opens the Entrepreneurship Summit 2018 with his keynote "David vs. Goliath: How to turn Small into Powerful".

Prof. Gerald Hüther - Discover your potential

Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther describes how to develop one's own potential and illustrates the current state of brain research. In his keynote, Prof. Hüther describes how important enthusiasm is for the development of potential. At this point, the theories of Prof. Günter Faltin and Prof. Hüther overlap. According to Prof. Faltin, the founding idea must fit the founder. The founder must be "on fire" for the topic of the foundation. Only then will the company founders have the necessary perseverance.

Heini Staudinger: The unruly shoe producer

With his very personal and emotional keynote, entrepreneur Heini Staudinger swept the participants of the Entrepreneurship Summit off their feet and received a standing ovation.


Fleischmann, Fritz 2018What Is Entrepreneurial Thinking

What Is Entrepreneurial Thinking


Faltin, Günter 2008: Teekampagne – “Citizen Entrepreneurship” for a Meaningful Life. Berlin.

Teekampagne – “Citizen Entrepreneurship” for a Meaningful Life



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