English Track at the Entrepreneurship Summit

NEXTPRENEURS  Sustainable Startups and Future of Social sustainability in international context

SATURDAY 21/10/23
10:30 – 13:30 h

Sustainable Startups and Future of Social sustainability in international context

NEXTPRENURS are in Berlin: Steinbeis Beratungszentrum Geschäftsmodelle der Zukunft cooperates with the Entrepreneurship Stiftung in Berlin.
As part of the Entrepreneurship Summit 2023 in Berlin, sustainable start-ups will present themselves  in English sessions in Summit 2023  on 21 October. 

NEXTPRENEURS 2023 is an upcoming event in Berlin that focuses on international sustainable startups and their business models with a social sustainability approach. The event will explore how to integrate social sustainability into business models and also the self-efficacy of entrepreneurs. Each startup from Africa, Turkey, Russia, and Hungary will have 15 minutes to present their own startup and then an additional 15 minutes for discussion. Some of the startups include Anthony Obiri-Yeboah’s Incubation Center for Sustainable Startups in Ghana, Irmgard Wutte’s Entrepreneurship Mindset for Young People in the Slums of Nairobi, Umut Karapinar’s MARS FARM, an eco village and startup ecosystem with an Incubator Center in Bodrum, Eni Musavi’s Vegetarian Food Consulting Team Building in Germany and Irland & Hungary, and Alena Taranka’s Sustainable Drinks with Technology in Russland &Amerika and Germany . This event promises to be an exciting opportunity to learn about sustainable startups with a social sustainability approach.


SATURDAY 21/10/23
16 – 17 h



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