IdeeAvacado Seedlings Distribution





Keine ArmutKein HungerHochwertige BildungGeschlechtsgleichheitMenschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum

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Business DevelopmentLand / ForstwirtschaftMarketing / Werbung / PRFörderungInvestition


Avocado commonly known as guacamole the idea is to distribute this seedlings to 1000 farmers each to receive at least 10 seedlings, the improved ones that take a short time to mature. For one to qualify for this free seedlings one must be registered with us and therefore cannot sell the produce to anyone else. We form a cooperative society where members can benefit with other trainings, financial management school fees loans payable with the sale of Avocado. This is a long-term arrangement that will eradicate poverty and bring equality we all know education is an equalizer.


Am a leader and a farmer with experience in startups

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