10 Motivational Quotes from "Brains vs Capital"

Veröffentlicht am: Apr 18, 2019
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

10 Motivational Quotes from "Brains vs Capital"

Entrepreneurship Online Training

The Entrepreneurship Online Training offered by the Entrepreneurship Campus is one of the key components of our platform. The lessons empower people of every age and all over the world to change the way they think and to create a mindset that paves the way towards a sustainable future. By learning new skills and how to develop knowledge, online training helps the members of the Entrepreneurship Campus to create and share values and behaviors, and to find innovative solutions that contribute to a sustainable world.

The content of our free online training comes from Guenter Faltin's bestselling book "Brains versus Capital". If you enjoy the lessons, here are 10 quotes from the book:

  1. Our society needs start-up entrepreneurs – and not just a few; to the contrary, we need as many as possible. A kind of people’s entrepreneurship.
  2. Now, it is certainly a good idea for a company to engage and work on the issues that concern the public – and thus its own potential customers.
  3. One kind of entrepreneur is like a surfer, filled with enthusiasm for the sport, and with optimism in the face of a challenge. For him, it is a pleasure to be in the wind and the waves, which are taken as positive challenges. If something goes wrong, the surfer gets back on his surfboard as quickly as he can and keeps going. He learns from his mistakes and does not experience setbacks as defeats.
  4. Tens of thousands of “Masters of Business Administration” are leaving our institutions of higher education. Where are the “Masters of New Ideas”? We should not discourage the few we have, or the even smaller number brave enough to start a new company, and we should not turn them into business administration dilettantes.
  5. When you work tenaciously to achieve a goal, using as few resources as possible, many ideas will gradually be reduced to the essence of their entrepreneurial concept.
  6. Start with an idea that you have had for a long time: What irritates me about some products?
  7. Marketing must go hand in hand with the development of your idea; it cannot be an afterthought, a mere add-on. Marketing is an integral component of a sound entrepreneurial concept. It should not be, “We’ve got a product – now how are we going to sell it?
  8. So look for a field of your own and start to analyze it. What principles could change the conditions in this field to your advantage? Don’t let yourself be deterred by well-meaning friends and acquaintances who don’t want to believe that you have found something that works.
  9. Even small ideas can have a big impact as long as they are good ideas.
  10. The notion that founders must be able to do everything is a relic from the last century – actually the century before last. It is high time to give it up.

Image by athree23 from Pixabay

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Your efforts at strengthening our cultures are not unnoticed! Fantastic works brain vs capital!



Powerful quotes, but the wonderful thing is that as we decrease the scale of economic activity, we actually increase our own emotional well being. That is because at the deepest level localization is about connection. It is about re establishing our sense of interdependence with others and with the natural world. And this connection is a fundamental human need.



Awesome thanks for this great motivation.

Boniface kimotho Karanja


Helpful,powerful entrepreneur book for idea development,evaluation from assumptions to facts,a clear exit strategy to a refined idea with appropriate tools,skills that ensures the derived business plan is sustainable!



“Marketing must go hand in hand with the development of your idea; it cannot be an afterthought, a mere add-on. Marketing is an integral component of a sound entrepreneurial concept. It should not be, “We’ve got a product – now how are we going to sell it?”

This is quotes are everything to me. This article has made my day. it is my belief. Thank you campus administrator for sharing

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