Benefits and Expectations for the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Contestants

Veröffentlicht am: May 25, 2018
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Benefits and Expectations for the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Contestants


Entrepreneurship Campus

Dear members of the Entrepreneurship Campus and participants in the 2018 Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition,
The Campus team is grateful to all of you for the hard work and efforts you put in to kick-start positive change in your life and in the lives of other people in your group, town, country, region, continent, or even on the planet, because some of you really manage to achieve large-scale impact. So far we have received numerous ideas and projects that in seven days, June 1st will be eligible for the voting and commenting process. Given the important day that is approaching, you are kindly invited to learn what are the benefits you get from the Entrepreneurship Campus during the various phases of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition and when it is completed.

You can read on our homepage the following sentence: “This global platform empowers young entrepreneurs between the age of 15 and 35 from around the world to engage in a more peaceful world.”
As you focus on these words global, empower young entrepreneurs, peaceful world, we kindly ask you to understand how we try to achieve this, what are the benefits you get from being part of this platform, and especially our netiquette.
Please, read below and reflect!

The Entrepreneurship Campus consists of different, but equally valuable elements such as:

The online training courses

You can freely attend a series of entrepreneurial training courses that help you gain new skills, to power your mindset for entrepreneurial success, and to look at things from a different and productive point of view. The courses are interactive which means that the user can solve exercises, make assignments, upload media relevant to the lesson, and leave a personal feedback on each of the lessons. Lifelong learning, observation, and experimentation fuels the vision of successful entrepreneurs. Thanks to the training courses and the networking platform (see below), the contestants learn how to shape their ideas and projects for a sustainable future.

The global community

We highly value our online network of young passionate people from all over the world. The global community includes wannapreneurs and entrepreneurs, people that are looking for a way to express their inner talent, people that failed many times but don’t give up, people that have started to do by themselves things that they were used to expect from others.
Any networking platform is a powerful tool that thanks to technology can cut the distance between people that share the same ideas and ideals but live in different parts of the world. Please, try to understand the huge benefits that this global network can give to you. You can share experiences, ask questions, share opportunities such as international training, scholarships, fellowships, funding calls, travel, research, and much more. Try to use the network to empower each other.

The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition

The competition is the part that is strongly entwined with the training courses and the global platform, but it has rules, a code of conduct and etiquette.
You already know, that the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition is open for young people between the ages of 15 and 35 that want to make a social impact in their communities and that champion at least one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The SDGs are part of a global agenda and they are the responsibility of every single person in every part of the world. While countries around the planet are making progress at a different pace, there is no country that achieved the SDGs. This is your chance to take action and join the movement. You have to understand the importance and the urge for addressing the 2030 Agenda. If we aren’t satisfied with our lives now, but we do nothing to change the situation, we have to imagine how the future is going to be and also how we are going to explain to the next generations and to children why we didn’t do something when we were still in time.

The competition is open to people that believe in values, both individual and social. Although it is labeled a competition it doesn’t focus on the individual alone, but on the role of each young individual as crucial part of his/her community.

Please, note that the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition does not provide financial support to the participants, finalists of winners.

The competition is a worldwide event and the award ceremony is streamed worldwide because the work and efforts of each of you are the same way important. The contestants that make it be among the finalists are those that better translated into reality the lessons and the power of networking.

What are you required to do?

If you believe in the values that the Entrepreneurship Campus supports, you are invited to join the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition and to kindly respect our code of etiquette and rules.

We occasionally receive comments that are unrelated to the competition and to the values that it promotes. Those comments won’t be posted!

We also request users who wish to comment and engage in a dialogue with entrants to strictly follow the Code of Conduct as outlined below:

1. Make constructive comments:
a. Ask Questions. Do Not Judge.
b. If something about the entry you are interested in is not clear to you, please formulate your comment in a form of a question. Readers would also like to hear from you WHY you find an entry useful and interesting. Be positive!

2. Encourage Dialogue
a. Take your chance to engage in a constructive dialogue with entrants. You are encouraged to build community on the competition website.

3. Do not insult and blame
a. Insults or blame won’t be tolerated. They will be deleted.
b. Don’t repeat the same comment in every published idea and project in order to increase your Personal Indicator Performance. This is fraud and not fair play.

We look forward to lively and productive discussions!

1. Voting guidelines – Fair Play!

a. WARNING! There are occasionally some attempts to manipulate our software in order to generate more votes for a particular entry. Make no mistake! We are able to track ALL activities on our competition website! Each attempt of vote manipulation will result in the disqualification of the entrant and the remove of his/her idea/project from the competition.
b. We are also grateful for reporting from users who have identified some voting irregularities and fraud attempts.

Your ideas and projects inspire us every day with their sense of optimism and hope.

Please feel free to contact us for any questions and suggestions at [email protected]
Thank you for your understanding and good luck with your mission to improve the world!

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“What are you required to do?
If you believe in the values that the Entrepreneurship Campus supports, you are invited to join the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition and to kindly respect our code of etiquette and rules.

We occasionally receive comments that are unrelated to the competition and to the values that it promotes. Those comments won’t be posted!

We also request users who wish to comment and engage in a dialogue with entrants to strictly follow the Code of Conduct as outlined below:

1. Make constructive comments:
a. Ask Questions. Do Not Judge.
b. If something about the entry you are interested in is not clear to you, please formulate your comment in a form of a question. Readers would also like to hear from you WHY you find an entry useful and interesting. Be positive!

2. Encourage Dialogue
a. Take your chance to engage in a constructive dialogue with entrants. You are encouraged to build community on the competition website.

3. Do not insult and blame
a. Insults or blame won’t be tolerated. They will be deleted.
b. Don’t repeat the same comment in every published idea and project in order to increase your Personal Indicator Performance. This is fraud and not fair play”.

Campus members we need to read this and be guided. Some comments are still insulting and very judgemental. Please read and be guided.

Campus administrator I suggest you repost this article for campus members to be guided accordingly.



The campus competition has enemous benefits. Reading some interviews I realise past campus members have really seen the significance of the platform and I do believe we in the 2019/2020 session have benefited alot.

Thank youth youth citizen entrepreneurship competition for the opportunity



Thank you for this opporrtunity given to us to express our ideas and projects to the world. Infact i have learnt alot from all the ideas and project. It has openend up new horizons in different areas of life.

Abdulrahman Iliyasu


I want to get application form for the competition



It is one thing to have an idea or a project, but it is another thing to have a platform to showcase your talent and discovery. This competition has go along way for the youth with ideas and projects. Well done the organiser.

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