CEC22 Finalists Announced: Best Ideas, Youth Competition

Veröffentlicht am: Oct 24, 2022Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

CEC22 Finalists Announced: Best Ideas, Youth Competition

We are delighted to announce the finalists for the 2022 Edition of the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition! Congratulations to everyone who made the shortlist.
Each year the CEC uplifts innovative and creative people of all ages who want to challenge common assumptions that entrepreneurship is a domain of people living in wealthy countries with a certain level of higher education.

Our contestants have the opportunity to integrate free entrepreneurship training with the SDGs to bring useful business ideas, initiatives, and projects that support local communities and circular and sustainable economic models.

See who made the cut in the Best Ideas category of the Youth Competition!

  1. Global Cooperation Platform
    Ruben Chamizo Pajuelo, Spain
  2. Equal rights for all human beings of the access clean energy
    Yaxin Bai, Canada
  3. Health and Development of environment for long life of nature and healthy life
    Kouopgue Nguehou Stanislas, Cameroon
    Bishal Panthi, Nepal
  5. Multi well-being care tool box
    Huda Shahid, Pakistan
  6. The Clothing Bar
    Hania Hashimi, Pakistan
  7. TravelSafe - Experience the world
    Abramova Rozendent, Russian Federation
  8. LocalTech
    Bishanka, Nepal
  9. Mental Health care App - Chillia
    Wing Yan/Chan, Hong Kong
  10. Mobile diagnosis centre enhancing the elimination of bacterial resistance against drugs
    Frank Damas Masinde, Tanzania

Congratulations to the finalists!
A big thank you goes out to all the contestants! Find all the nominated ideas in the Youth Competition here: Best Ideas 2022

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